How to make soap at home

How to make soap at home

Modern soap is not only industrial production under well-known brands. Today it is also a wide direction of Hand-Made, which is becoming more and more popular every year. Unlike the factory analogue, the homemade bar is much more beautiful and more useful. In addition, the process of boiling soap is extremely fascinated, because it allows you to get fantasy and make a truly original product.

The soap base can be prepared or purchased in the store. But much easier and cheaper to use as the basis of an ordinary baby soap. We will need 2 bars. Gently rub the base on a shallow grater.

On the steam bath, heat special base oil (4-5 tablespoons) together with 2 tablespoons of glycerol. Slowly snatch soap chips and pour 100 ml of boiling water. We constantly stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained, viscosity resembles a sandy dough. If there are lumps, they need to be temporarily. We remove the mass from the fire.

It is time for additives. It is desirable that they were natural. Such components make soap practically therapeutic. For example, honey removes irritation, cosmetic clay cleans. Gried almonds, coconut chips or powdered milk moisturize skin. Dry chamomile, a series, oregano disinfection skin, soften it and even contribute to cell regeneration. Sea salt, coffee, oatmeal and sesame seeds create soap scrub. These additives introduce moderately, 2-3 tablespoons, mix well with a total mass.

Special beauty gives soap bright color, so do not do without dyes. Here, only natural substances are relevant here, it is completely easy to get it:

  • White clay, milk powder make soap white.
  • Turmeric, calendula, chamomile - yellow.
  • Carrot juice, pumpkins, sea buckthorn oil - orange.
  • Pink clay - pink.
  • Beet juice - burgundy.
  • Dry dill, spinach, henna - green.
  • Ground coffee, cocoa or cinnamon in powder - brown.

Olive oil lubricate forms (plastic, metal, silicone). The mixture is decorated with a spoon and tightly tamper. When the mass be cooled, take it out of the molds and lay out on paper. We leave for 2-3 days so that soap dries.

The colorful puff soap looks unusually. To obtain such a bar, you should prepare a soap mass of several colors. Bay part of the form, spraying with alcohol cooled soap and pour the next layer. In each layer, you can add the flavoring agent so that the product appetizer looks and smelled, respectively.

With the help of special forms "under the cutting" you can also make an exclusive soap. In each such mold, pour a soap mass of a certain color. The hardened figures lay out on a thin monophonic layer and poured on top of the same layer. Do not forget to apply alcohol to each layer!

In order not to learn from your own errors, observe clear proportions. Surplus the oil base makes soap fat, it ceases to foam. Bruel with essential oils can provoke irritation or allergies. Dry grasses of large grinding or their excess will be unpleasant to scratch skin.

Creating a homemade soap, do not hesitate to creat. Your efforts will accurately appreciate the close, and the heat laid in the handmade bar will warm and delight the soul.

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