How often do you need to wash your head

How often do you need to wash your head

Beautiful hair is an indispensable attribute of a modern woman. Now it is not enough that the hair is clean, it is necessary to ensure their health, and then your hair will attract the views not only men, but also women. Stacking remedies harm the health of curls, so you can not keep them on the hair more than a day. How often wash your head if you have a complicated haircut that requires daily laying?

It is impossible to answer the question is definitely. It is necessary to focus on hair health and their type. Of course, if the chapels do not shine and slowly fat, then, most likely you have dry curls. Wash them enough 1-2 times a week. In no case do not dry them with a hairdryer and try to use styling funds as much as possible.

How often do you need to wash your head

Bold hair require special care, and now there are disputes among tricheologists about the frequency of head washing. After a day, the curls stick together and acquire a fat brilliance, so that the hairstyle looked neat, the owners of oily curls have to wash their head daily. Dermatologists argue that frequent hygienic procedures lead to stimulation of the sebaceous glands. Accordingly, the more often wash the hair, the faster it becomes fat. Remember, the fatty film on the skin of the head does not allow the bulbs, which activates the processes of hair loss. It's better to wash your head every day and always with a neat styling than to walk with the merchant strands, assembled into the bundle.

How often do you need to wash your head

Bold hair must be washed in cool water, since high temperature accelerates the production of subcutaneous fat. Do not hold the shampoo on strands for too long, just apply the tool to curls and massage the pads of the fingers. Do not need nails with scalp skin. Do not rub shampoo, as this also increases the amount of fat on the curls. All masks and balms apply exclusively to the tips. In no case do not allow the mask on the skin.

How often do you need to wash your head

If you want to improve the chapel, remember, for oily hair you can not use egg yolk and mayonnaise masks. These ingredients are badly washed away and make a tender and untidy hair. Oak decoction is suitable for washing oak leather, it strengthens the hair and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. If you are the owner of short hair that require daily laying with the use of varnish and foam, then the head will have to wash daily, regardless of the type of hair. Try to choose sodium and silicone lauryl sulfate shampoo. These components are removed not only dirt, but also the entire fat that protects curls. Silicone is driving strands and makes them brittle.

How often do you need to wash your head

The most difficult for women with combination hair, which are fat for roots and secure at the ends. Try to wash them no more than 3 times a week using herbal decoctions. Be sure to put on the tips of the balm or mask. Twice a week you can lubricate the tips with a special oil or a mixture of tocopherol with retinol. These are vitamins that are sold in a pharmacy and restore the structure of split hair.

How often do you need to wash your head

Try to abandon the chemical curling, since such a procedure is strongly dried and requires daily use of styling foams. Do not use the iron and hairdryer to give a hairstyle shape. Better a couple of times a week, collect not very clean hair in a horse tail or braid the French braid.


Comments leave a comment
Kseniya 10/23/2019 at 2:41.

i my every time three days. I use the sighless shampoo Horse Force, but I still have a rinse balm nano for hair with collagen and provitamin, with him the hair is much better looking

Sasha 24/01/2020 at 1:00

I believe that hair needs to be washed as needed. Personally, I my every day. And even the shampoo itself picked up a horse force with collagen and lanolin so that it does not dry the scalp and carefully cleaned the hair


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