How to wash your hair right

How to wash your hair right

Beautiful hair can completely transform the female image, add charm, femininity or mischievous coquetry. Hair health depends on many factors, the correct daily care plays an important role. Such a simple procedure as washing hair has its own characteristics, so it is important to follow the main recommendations.

Hair should always be clean

There is no need to put off hair washing, guided by a common misconception that "it is harmful to wash your hair." Our hair and skin suffer from accumulation of pollution, especially at the roots of hair. Laying products, dust, skin fat are able to create a favorable environment for the appearance of pathogenic bacteria, do not allow the skin to “breathe” and receive the necessary nutrients - all this leads to a weakening of hair and slowing growth. Given the type and structure of the hair, you need to wash your hair regularly with an interval of 2-3 days.


Use shampoo to wash your hair correctly

In order for the shampoo to work efficiently, you need to follow the rules of use indicated on the label. The shampoo should be selected based on the type of hair, trying to give preference to means from organic series with natural composition.

The volume of shampoo depends on the length of your hair. It is impossible to pour the product directly onto the head - in this case it will be difficult to control the quantity, and a too concentrated dose will fall into individual sections of the hair. First foam the shampoo in the palm of your hand, and then apply to the scalp.

Do not forget about the balm-drinker to wash the hair

Hair balm is used for additional care. This tool restores the level of pH of the hair, makes it silky and elastic. The balm smoothes the outer surface of the hair, closing the scales open after stiff or chlorinated water and shampoo.

Do not apply the balm to the hair roots and do not rub the product into the scalp - this weights the hair, deprives them of the volume of the roots and lead to rapid pollution. The product should be applied by retreating Z-7 cm from the roots of the hair. Distribute it along the entire length, paying special attention to the tips, leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Follow the sequence of actions for proper hair washing

  • Before you start washing your hair, comb it well. Use a massage brush - this will enhance blood circulation and provide the best effect of care products.
  • It is best to use boiled, bottled or filtered water. You can soften water by adding baking soda to it (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). You can not wash your hair with too hot water (the optimum temperature is 40-50º).
  • Pour a small amount of shampoo on the palm of your hand, slightly foam it, and then apply it to the skin at the roots of the hair.
  • Gently massage your fingertips, trying not to confuse your hair and not damage the skin with nails, and rinse with water.
  • Apply balm, hold for several minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water with the addition of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp. Spoon per 1 liter of water) - this will strengthen the hair and make it smooth and shiny.
  • Blind your hair with a terry towel, do not rub or twist - wet hair is easy to injure.

A little about drying hair after washing

Not always after washing the head is time to dry the hair naturally. More often it is necessary to make quick styling, give the hair a beautiful shape and volume. If you use a hairdryer or iron, be sure to use styling products with thermal protection properties. They contain components that protect the hair structure from hot air penetration and moisture loss.

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