Amel oil for hair how to use

Amel oil for hair how to use

Ancase Once Overall oil is used by Eastern women to strengthen hair, it is included in the main Ayurvedic products and is considered a source of vitamin C.

Impact of Amel on the state of the hair

Amel is the fruit of the fillantus of the eggs, a small tree cultivated in Southeast Asia. It is also called Indian gooseberry, Amalaks or Merobal gray. For squeezing, 1 ml of the etheric extract is required to recycle 10 tons of fillantus fruits, so extracts and other vegetable oils are present in the industrial composition of the Amlia oil.

Thanks to the content of vitamins C and B, polysaccharides, amino acids and trace elements, this product has the following effect on the hair:

  • Sedina disappears, the hair becomes the usual color: the Indian gooseberry restores melanocyte cells that are responsible for the production of coloring pigments.
  • Roots of hair are becoming stronger, hair loss stops.
  • The fatness of the hair is normalized, dandruff disappears, dripping and irritation of the scalp: due to the regulation of the secretory function of the sebaceous glands and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • The growth of hair increases, the sequesters are restored, the curls become strong, shiny, acquire additional volumes: due to saturation of hair bulbs with vitamins and trace elements.

Application of oil on hair, basic rules

Amel oil is suitable for all types of hair, but there are recommendations for the choice of oil depending on the color scheme: for dark or red hair, the butter is suitable for dark green (with henna), for blondes - light green (with jasmine). Using dark oil can paint bright strands.

To obtain the desired result, follow the basic rules for the use of oil:

  • Shake the bottle with Amel oil and hide about 5 ml into a clean glass (orient to your hair, oil should be enough to cover the entire length).
  • Heat the oil slightly, putting a glass into a bowl with hot water.
  • Apply oil on the scalp and rub in the roots by massaging movements for at least 5 minutes.
  • Lubricate the palm of the composition and spend along the hair, trying to capture each hairs.
  • Lower into the glass with the remaining butter the tips of the hair, if allowed their length.
  • So that the hair does not pack clothes, wrap their film or dressed a special hat.
  • It is better to leave the composition at night so that the oil penetrates deep to the roots of the hair. If there is no such possibility, hold the product at least 2 hours.
  • The oil is not easy to wash off, so apply the shampoo on dry hair and thoroughly fooled. Do not wet the hair before applying shampoo, so it will be more efficient. Then rinse the strand with warm water.
  • If you have oily hair, then the subsequent application of the air conditioner is optional.
  • Rinse your hair with herbs or lemon water (single lemon juice per liter of fluid)
  • Dry hair naturally, without a hair dryer.

If you want to strengthen the beneficial properties of Amel oil, add to 2 tablespoons the means, the same amount of liquid honey or warm kefir, can be added to the oil of 2 egg yolks. Such a mask hold on the hair 2-3 hours and rinse with warm water with shampoo. As an option for daily use, you can add oil into the shampoo when washing the head or in the rinse balm.

Asian wood fruit oil can solve all possible hair problems - cope with sequencing tips, get rid of falling out and seeds, accelerate growth, give shine, strength and additional volume. Ambly extract perfectly tones and treats the scalp, eliminating dandruff and small damage.

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