Hair removal oils

Hair removal oils

The hair depilation procedure in our time has become popular enough, since almost every person can complain to certain areas of the skin, where the presence of hair is extremely not desirable for it. In the process of eliminating the hair, it is customary to use special depilation creams, the action of which is directly directed to the release of the hair from the skin and its further washing together with the cream. We find out why oils are used to remove hair.

Features of hair removal by oils

Oils in nature cannot fully fulfill the skin cleansing function from growing hair, but they are an excellent catalyst for slowing down growth, oppression of the hair onion, the thinning of the roots. Oil mixtures are used as an addition to the main depillation procedure to increase the quality and duration of the effect. They soften skin pores so that the hair removal with the help of creams was made at times faster and easier. Therefore, it is very effective to perform oil procedures before and after depilation.

Hair removal oils

Among the huge number of diverse oils in the process of cleansing the skin of vegetation, only three mains can be involved: DURMAN oil, ant and castor oil.

Oil Durmana

Durama is the most dangerous ingredient for hair, with frequent use it destroys the hair rod and deactivates all the functions of the bulbs. The dope oil is used very carefully in tiny doses, because the means is a hallogenic, and an overdose may adversely affect the entire body. However, the dope's tincture is used in many ready-made cosmetics, since it has proven itself as an effective inhibitor for unwanted hair.

Ant oil

The formic oil is made only on clean skin, which has already passed the depilation procedure. The remedy can deeply penetrate the skin and slow down the hair growth process. This substance is the safest, and its use does not bring any side effects. In this regard, it is widely used to get rid of hair in the groin zone and on the face. In addition to cleansing from hair, ant oil is inherent in a vitaminizing property for the skin, the cells of which are obtained by sufficient nutrients.

Castor oil

Regarding the action of castor oil, disputes still arise, because in one case the means contributes to the process of removing the hair, and in the other gives the opposite result, that is, it strengthens and increases hair growth. It turns out that it all depends on the additional components with which this substance should be used. For the overwhelming effect, mix the caster with flour with flour with flour, and this mixture insist in a dark place. We apply it only after the procedure for removing the hair on the necessary parts of the body.

Essential oils for depilation

Essential oils will also be useful when making the depilation process. They are characterized by integrated use. To prepare an ether solution, we take the base oil, olive or apricot oil is usually taken. We add to it a few drops of mint oil, slightly more lavender and tea agent. This composition will perform several functions at once:

  • Rendering bactericidal action.
  • Removing pain syndrome after and while cleaning the skin.
  • Stop the origin of new hair.
  • The effect of anesthesia.

General principles of oil use when liquidating hair

For proper use of oils, consider several general principles:

  1. Before applying, we definitely do the test for the portability of the components, we applied a small amount of substance to the skin surface. Ten minutes later we check the place for irritation.
  2. Do not mix the oil with cream. Correctly apply it on the skin after depilation. The exception is oil with dope, it is applied both after the procedure and in front of it.
  3. Stable use of oils prolongs the depillation effect on average for a week.
  4. If we rub the skin with oil every day, then in half a year the hair will completely stop growing.
  5. The substance is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, for children and girls to adulthood.

Now we know which oils exist to remove hair, and how to dispose of them, have already suggested our simple tips. Let each of us choose an optimally comfortable method of getting rid of unwanted hair.

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