Murai Hair Removal Oil

Murai Hair Removal Oil

The formic oil will help forever solve the problem of unwanted hair on face and body. It affects hair bulbs, slowing the growth of hairs, making them thin and light. With regular use, the oil completely destroys the roots of the hair.

Properties of ant oil

The formic oil is made on the basis of recycled ant dolls. It does not have side effects and can be applied to any, even the most sensitive, body areas. Product manufacturers recommend to apply ant oil to the armpits and the inguinal area in infants, assuring that the hair at these places will never appear in the future. In the main butter, women enjoy to get rid of unwanted hairs on the body for a long time.

This product contains a special protein that deeply penetrates the skin and affects the root of the hair, weakening and destroying it. Already after the first course of applying the drug, the growing hairs will be noticeably less and thinner. It takes 5-7 months on the complete destruction of the hair onion, depending on the structure of the hairproof and individual characteristics. But human cells are capable of recovering, so after some time, the hairs may appear again, and in this case the course procedures will have to be repeated.

The formic oil not only slows the growth of hair, but also has a moisturizing and softening effect on the skin.

How to choose a quality product

To get the desired result, it is important to choose the right forming oil. Basically, the oil is produced in Turkey, and it is it that is famous for its effectiveness against combating hairs. You can also find ant Iranian, Syrian and Egyptian oil manufacturers. This oil is a fully organic product that cannot be prepared from artificial components in laboratory conditions, so pay attention to the composition of the drug before purchasing. On average, the price of imported formic oil is within $ 15 per vial, a lower cost can signal a poor-quality product.

Application rules

Before the first use, test the formic oil on a small sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, for example, on the elbow bending. If there is no reaction for 15 minutes, it means that the product can be used.

It is better to spend the procedure in the evening, before bedtime:

  • Remove the hair with the root using classic methods - tweezers, wax or sugar depilation. It is important to remove the root of the hair, so the use of a razor or cream for depilation will not lead to the desired result.
  • Thoroughly clean the processed area and dry the towel dryly - the cream, wax, soap or other means should remain on the skin.
  • Apply formic oil to the desired area and rub it with massaging movements for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the oil rubbing procedure for 4-5 days. This course is enough to have the required result.
  • Wait until the hairs will grow again, and do the full course again.

Thus, during the six months you will need to make 6-7 courses for the destruction of hair bulbs.

Despite the assurances of oil producers about the absence of contraindications, while nourishing the child and during breastfeeding, it is better to abandon the use of this product.

Murantic oil is a good alternative to expensive salon procedures promising long-term hair removal. Its use absolutely painlessly and spend quite a bit of home. The growth and density of the hair will noticeably decrease after the first course, while your skin will become smoother and velvety.

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