How to shave bikini zone

How to shave bikini zone

The bikini zone is a very gentle and sensitive site on the body, therefore, before you begin to depilation of bikini, you need to learn some of the subtleties of hair removal in this zone. The correct shaving will allow you to get smooth and gentle skin without irritation quickly, easy and without cost, you only need to explore all the features of this method of hair removal.

Preparation for shave

The minuses of using a razor in the bikini zone include cuts, ingrown hairs and irritation. But all this can be easily avoided if you should prepare a gentle plot to shave.
If the hair is longer than 5 mm, they need to cut them before walking into the bath or shower. It is more convenient to use the trimmer, but if it is not, you can cut the hair with manicure scissors. At the same time, it does not matter whether they will be the same length, the main thing is that their length is not more than half a hundred.

Before shaving, hair and skin must be swapped with warm water. At the same time, the hairs will become softer and obedient and it will be easier to be removed, and the skin will fit moisture and becomes more elastic, which will avoid the appearance of cuts and microtrams. Even if you shave in hiking conditions and you have the opportunity to fall in the bath or take a shower, impose a wet cloth or sponge on the bikini zone, it will greatly facilitate your future work.

Take advantage of the scrub: it will remove the flapped skin cells from its surface, and shave will be more efficient and long-term.

Selection of shaving funds

When removing hair in a tender bikini zone, this question plays a not last role. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the choice of shaving machine. Most female machines are designed to shave surfaces without multiple bends, they are wide, and the blades are fast stupid, so the bikini zone is very uncomfortable to shave. But for this zone, neat men's machines are well suited without unnecessary design elements. In addition, they are designed to remove rough thick hairs and remain sharp long.

In addition to the machine, you will need a foam or shaving gel. Here men's agents will already be not at the place, because in the delicate bikini zone, the skin is very sensitive, and allergies may appear. Fortunately, there are many female foam lines and shaving lines, choose them to be guaranteed to avoid problems.

Shaving technique

So, the preparation process is completed, proceed to the most important thing:

  • Apply a foam bikini zone or shaving gel. Wait a couple of minutes so that the components of the tools softe the hair and the skin.
  • Moisten the razor with water and break the hairs in the direction of growth. The shave direction plays a very important role, and this is the main mistake. Please note that the hair in different places have a different growth direction. If you do not comply with this rule, the likelihood of not only irritation is high, but also ingrown hairs.
  • When shaving, try to pull the skin, it will greatly simplify the procedure.
  • If you still cut down, treat the rink of hydrogen peroxide, the inflammatory process in this case will definitely not begin.
  • After completion of the procedure, get the area with a dry towel and use the after-shaving lotion, it will calm the skin. It is advisable to apply the simplest means without flavors and special components, such as baby oil or cream with aloe vera.

Shave the bikini zones in compliance with all the simple rules makes it possible to achieve a result that is not inferior to salon procedures. At the same time, you will save a lot of time and money, and you can also often change intimate haircuts!

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