Irritation on the legs after shaving what to do

Irritation on the legs after shaving what to do

Shave is the fastest, simple and most accessible hair removal method on the legs. But it can occur so that instead of the desired results, smooth and silky skin of the legs, problems arise - irritation, red dots, skin inflammation, itching. This is because the shaving procedure leads to injury to the surface layer of the skin and hair follicle, disruption of the fatolypid balance. Skin troubles can be avoided if you do the depilation procedure correctly and know the recipes for improving the status of the face of the after shaving.

To avoid severe skin injury during shaving, the blades of the machine must be sharp. It is categorically impossible to use disposable machines again. Turn the cassettes on time if you have a machine with replaceable blades.


Before the procedure, organize a warm shower for the legs. It will help unpiring the skin, soften the hairs. It does not hurt and a light scrub for legs. It can be done independently. Add to 100 ml of any gel for the shower tablespoon of semolina and mix well.


Never break feet dry. It is better not soap to apply on the skin, but for shaving special means - they will ensure the best gliding razor and protect the skin from damage. Leavetool on the skin for 2-5 minutes. After that, proceed to depilation. In order to reduce skin damage, the direction of the razor movement should coincide with the direction of hair growth. Shaving against the growth of hairs can lead to microtrams of hair follicle, inflammation. Improper shaving technique is one of the reasons for the rotation of the hair.


Apply cream or gel after shaving on the skin. Alcohol-containing means in our case are not suitable. They only enhance injury, lead to dry skin and cause discomfort. After shaving, give the skin for a while relax. Do not wear immediately after depilation tight clothing - tights, narrow pants. Prevent skin sweating. The best depilation procedure is to spend on the night, so that during sleep, the skin managed to recover.


In order to calm and soften the irritated skin, use any cream containing panthenol. It has an effective wound-healing property. You can also prepare the leg cream on your own. To do this, 7 tablespoons of Shi oil can be connected with three tablespoons of almond oil and 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil. Such a means must be stored in the refrigerator. It will help to calm the skin bath with a decoction of daisies and mint. The decoction of these herbs has anti-inflammatory, ignorant, antiseptic properties.

If, despite all the efforts and efforts, after shaving the skin of the legs suffers, and the irritation does not pass for a long time, you have very sensitive skin, and you need to pick up another hair removal method.

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Pauline 11/12/2017 at 11:16.

In order to avoid the emergence of irritation and jungle, I immediately after the epilation, I smear the Masow of Ilon. She smells pleasant, and removes inflammation. Even the husband began to use her after shaving.

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