How to get rid of irritation on the face after shaving

How to get rid of irritation on the face after shaving

Irritation on the face after shaving can "reduce no" all the heroic efforts of a man look good. Red Sad skin covered with small pimples - Oh, this is irritation! After reading this article, men will no longer look with horror to reflect in the mirror.

If in the morning you get up with an elapsed face, then it is forbidden to shave at this time categorically. Lymph, which accumulated under the skin, will definitely cause external irritation. Postpone shave at a later time - a day or evening. And be sure to install and eliminate the cause of the morning edema of the face.

Strong skin irritation causes the use of electric razors - give up such a convenient gadget. It is better to shave with a machine with a blade, but the blades should be the highest quality. However, like the machine. Do not buy an unknown Chinese, and better proven brand time - Schick or Gillette.

Too frequent shaving (some men must be shaved and twice a day) leads to strongest irritation. Do not abuse the removal of the bristles, all the more so that now is fashionable light nonns, but only well-kept.

Before shaving, be sure to raise your face (hot shower or wet hot napkin). Shave dry rapid skin will necessarily cause irritation.

Shave the machine only for hair growth. Some men argue that it is possible to purely shave only against growth, but this is if the blade is not very high-quality. Use for shaving dual or triple blades with moisturizing stripes.

If your skin is prone to irritation, then use for shaving special gels for sensitive skin. After shaving - lotion of the same delicate line. Lotion or "After shaving" cream, apply on wet skin.

Instead of the final cream, a shaved face can be moistened with homemade lotions. All of them are perfectly coped with irritation, because they are prepared only from natural pharmacy and natural ingredients:

  1. 2 aspirin tablets scroll into powder and add to 50 ml of pharmacy glycerol.
  2. On one pharmacy ampoule (1 ml) of vitamins A and E mix with 50 ml of almond or peach oil.
  3. Dry calendula flowers (3 tablespoons) Place in thermos (250 ml) and pour boiling water.
  4. A large beam of fresh parsley finely cut and brew like tea, in a half-liter of water.

If none of the means of combating irritation on the face helped, go to the doctor. It is possible that the reason for the permanent irritation on the face lies in the depths of the body and should be eliminated by other methods.

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faith 13/03/2020 at 21:44.

The after shaving irritation is best suited Radaevit. It is an ointment from the pharmacy, and she not only annoyance removes, but he heals, if suddenly there are cuts. I even use it after shaving in the bikini area.

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