How to remove after shaving irritation

How to remove after shaving irritation

Often, girls have to deal with such a problem as skin irritation after shaving. Most often, it is manifested in the field of armpits, crotch, pubis. All the fact that in the process of removing unwanted hair is damaged to the upper layer of the epidermis. It will help to correct this situation the knowledge of the rules for using a razor machine and the study of the main points of skin care after depilation.

Preparation for shave

Getting rid of hairs should occur only after taking a bath, so that the skin was sprawled and moistened. As a result, the shave process will be much easier, and the percentage of irritation is minimal. Break in the direction of hairs, so as not to irritate the follicles and thereby cause damage to the epidermis.

Facilities to simplify procedure

For safe shaving, we advise you to use special gels or foam. They separate the hairs from the skin, lift them. This will help simplify the movement of the razor machine. Neglecting data can entail serious skin irritation.

Safe use of a razor

Blades are subject to 2-3 times of operation, the more often you change the cartridges of the razor machine - the better, because the outdated harmful will affect the surface of your skin. A stupid blade will be forced again and again to spend on the same place that only enhance inflammation and hurts the epidermis. Surround pays twice, because replace the blades, think about health. It is extremely undesirable to shave the hairs when you already have inflammation, or the skin was covered with small painful acne. This will lead to the spread of infection to the rest of the sections.

Individual hygiene

Adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, the machine should only belong to you, do not give it to anyone else, otherwise irritation is provided. It is also necessary at the end of each such procedure to wash the razor under a jet of water, in order to prevent the appearance and reproduction of pathogenic organisms, which most often cause irritation after depilation.

Completion of shave

At the end of depilation, be sure to soften the skin with milk or special cream. It is desirable that Panthenol entered such funds, as it perfectly relieves redness of the skin, or hormones. However, it is recommended to consult with a specialist, because if the ointment does not suit your skin type, then this can cause ulcers, and they are very difficult to treat.

Ingrown hair and glasses

If after depilation, the ingrown hairs or the same guns are formed, a chamomile compress is applied. Make a decoction on a small fire, then moist in it in it and put on a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe skin before the breadth of redness. With the help of a disinfixed needle, remove the ingrown hairs before appressing the compress.

Removing inflammation with peroxide

Take a 3% peroxide solution and wipe them the inflamed skin. Moreover, it can be used both before and after depilation. It disinfects the skin, quickly removes redness, will contribute to the early healing of microcracks.

There is nothing complicated in the following rules in the following rules, their clear observance will help you easily avoid problems with skin inflammation. If you still worry about anything, and discomfort does not pass within a few days, it is recommended to go to the beautician in order to discharge you a new recipe that allows you to avoid irritation.

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Inga 12/12/2017 at 10:41.

I am generally constant irritation after shaving, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits. I saves Ilona. This ointment soothes well, removes inflammation and heals.

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