What shave legs

What shave legs

Even the female legs of the most perfect shape require regular care. This refers to pedicure and depilation. Depilation - hair removal on the legs - you can do using a special device (depilator), you can use wax, resin or laser. But the fastest way to remove unwanted hair on the legs - their swinging.

Previously, women shaved legs only with the help of men's manual machines in which ordinary blades were inserted. Today, there are special women's machines on sale with blades already built into them (one, two, three, four and even five). In the machines, as a rule, there are also special strips, which contribute to the smooth slip of the razor on the legs. An example is the women's machines Gillette and Schick. They differ from the male in that they use thinner blades, and the machines themselves look much more graceful for men. On the shelves of stores you can learn from gently painted packaging (pink, blue, yellow, purple).

In order to shave the legs with the machine, they must be pre-prepared. First handle any suitable scrub to remove the upper dead layer of the epidermis. And then to unspoke well - you can take a hot shower or bath. Then a foam or shaving gel is applied to your feet and left for a couple of minutes. During this time, the hairs soften and shave them will be very easy.

Shaving a mechanical machine must be carried out in the direction of hair growth. If you do on the contrary, with time, the hair will start to grow into the skin and will get rid of them very difficult. After shaving, the skin on the legs should be treated after shaving lotion or soothing cream. All women's cosmetics for depilation produce the same firms that the machine tools are made. Or you can buy creams and lotions for shaving and moisturizing other well-known cosmetic firms.

You can collapse my legs and an electric female machine - do not confine with a depilator that pulls out the hairs with the root. Electric women's machines are something similar to men, but differ in some constructive features and more refined design. Such razors produce Braun, Phillips, Sinbo. They are like men's, mesh or rotary. In the first case, the blade is used, which is covered with the finest meshe from above. Through the hole in the grid, the hairs falls inward, and there are cut off with a vibrating blade. Rotary have several separate rotating heads, each of which cuts off the hairs on a separate skin area.

The advantage of electric female razors is that when shaving do not need to use foam or gel. And still with such razors, you can shave in any direction, and not just for the growth of the hair. After shaving the legs need to be treated with moisturizing cream just like after using the machine.

Whatever way you are neither gathered to get rid of unwanted hair, pay attention to the condition of the skin after shaving. If after swinging the hair with the machine, the strongest irritation is noted, it is possible that this method is not suitable for you. Then try the electric shaver. If the razor is not your device, go to the beauty salon, where you will be offered other ways to remove your hair on your feet.

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