How to brighten your hair on the legs

How to brighten your hair on the legs

Beautiful female legs are impossible to imagine hairy. Girls remove unwanted hair in various ways: shave with the usual razor, with the help of resin, wax and sugar syrup. And also buy special creams to remove hair and apply it to the skin. Any method is good in its own way, but what should I do if none fit? Shaving irritates the skin, resin or wax - very painful, cream - an allergy arises.

If the girl is actively growing their feet on their feet, while very tough and dark, it first must be consulted with an endocrinologist. It is possible that in its body there are a lot of male hormones and you just need to adjust the hormonal background with medication.

If the hormones are all right, then you can brighten your hair on the legs. The most effective method is the use of hydrogen peroxide. It must be applied to the feet several times a day, for each type of hair it is better to use its different percentage composition:

  • 8-12% - for very thick and hard hair;
  • 6-12% - for medium thickness;
  • 4-8% - for thin.

Peroxide must be kept before the appearance of a light burning, and then wash off.

If the peroxide burns very much and causes discomfort, then you can use the following advice: take five percent peroxide and dilute it with water in proportion 1/5. This solution must be mixed with large cotton wipes and wet their feet for a couple of hours. So that the moisture is not evaporated, it is still possible to wind the thin polyethylene film.

To lighten the hair on the legs, you can make a homemade cream, which, due to the presence of acid and hydrogen peroxide, well brings hair well. So buying in a pharmacy:

  • Petrolatum;
  • Lanolin;
  • Hydrogen peroxide 6%;
  • Antifebrin powder (there is acetic anhydride in it).

We mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply homemade cream on your feet several times a day.

For those girls who have very thin and bright hair on their feet, one can recommend the decoction of the pharmacy chamomile. Dry chamomile need to be fed in the thermos (2 tablespoons on the floor of the liter of water) and to process the legs several times a day with this decoction.

All of the above clarification means will give a tangible result if they are applied to your feet every day and several times. Suddenly the girl does not have enough time, then you can buy special in a pharmacy cream For lightening hair on legs, which will help to cope with the problem much faster.

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