How to discolor hair on the legs

How to discolor hair on the legs

Many women are concerned about the problem of the frequent appearance of dark hair on the legs. The use of a razor and special creams makes them grow even faster, and other methods are too painful. Therefore, discoloration is a very convenient option for many women. Consider several ways.

Hydrogen peroxide. This method was known to our grandmothers. With the help of hydrogen peroxide, it is possible not only to significantly lighten the hair, but also make them thinner and imperceptible. Take 3% hydrogen peroxide (sold on any pharmacy). It is this option that can discourage hair to a clear color. Moisten the woven disk in the solution and, within a few minutes, wipe the skin for them. The result will appear through several daily procedures. Remember that after using this, redness and peeling can appear on the skin. If you have too sensitive skin, choose another way.

Cinnamon. If you are a supporter of all natural, try cinnamon. You will need a hammer cinnamon, hair conditioner and honey. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Then apply the composition on the bills that need to be discouraged. Two hours later, rinse the tool. A large duration of the procedure is due to a natural means that will not be able to instantly affect the hair. But at the end you will see an instant result.

Lemon. This method is the easiest. Squeeze juice from Lemon and lubricate their hair on your feet. After half an hour, rinse the tool. Perform the procedure once a day. It is worth noting that when sunshine gets, the bleaching effect will appear even faster. If you are going to sunbathe, do not wash off lemon juice, but be sure to do it when you come home.

Chamomile. This method is perfect for people with high skin sensitivity and those who are guaranteed to do without allergic manifestations:

  • Recipe for light hair. Buy a chamomile at the pharmacy, open the packaging and squeeze half. Fill flowers 200 ml of boiling water and warmly warm in thermos for 5 minutes. Give the tool half an hour and lay out the resulting cleaner on the hair. Not required infusion. Wrap your feet with a food film, and cover with a towel from above. Two hours later, remove the mixture and rinse the legs well. To get the result, you must make the procedure several times.
  • Recipe for dark hair. In the above mass, add two more ingredients. When you roam the healing plant with boiling water, put the flesh of a whole lemon, and then apple vinegar in the same proportions. Use this recipe daily. A few days later, the hair is brushed, and skin tenderness will remain.

Hair dye. Purchase the usual hair paint, brightening them on 4-6 tones, for example, Garnier, Palette or Blondex. Take the instruction and prepare the composition by following the instructions. When everything is ready, apply the composition for unwanted hair. After half an hour, rinse it with warm water. Please note that the paint must be selected very carefully, since the hair can purchase a yellowish shade, instead of transparent. If you are not black on your feet, and brighter hair, use the paint for 2-3 tones lighter.

Perhaps this method is the safest. To discolor unwanted hair, cosmetologists have come up with special means. They are sold in the form of sets in which the lighteous composition and moisturizing air conditioner for the skin. The clarifier and hard hairs will deteriorate qualitatively, and the air conditioner will help prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions. The only drawback of this method is higher cost, in comparison with previous options.

After using each method, rinse the treated areas with water, and apply a children's calming cream on top. Remember that for the preparation of chemical solutions it is necessary to use a glass or porcelain container.

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