How to discolor hair peroxide

How to discolor hair peroxide

Want to change the image and become a blonde? For this, it is not necessary to seek help to a hairdresser. Very cheap it is worth discoling the hair with hydrogen peroxide. In this article we will tell you how to do it.

For staining, you can use:

  • finished solution;
  • pergerol;
  • tablets hydroperite.

All these substances are peroxide, only with different concentrations. The pharmacy solution is sold with a concentration of 3%. With it, you can brighten your hair on your face or give wheat hair the lighter shade. For staining, wash your hair with shampoo and dry them. Do not use the hairdryer, it is desirable not to overwork the chapel. Divide your hair on strands and secure them with clarops. Now pour the peroxide to the sprayer and apply the solution to the curls. Keep the coloring composition requires 30-60 minutes depending on the desired color.

Ready 3% solution is not suitable for discoloration of dark and hard hair. Such a concentration is extremely small to clarify the rigid lamps, so 6-12% solution is needed. It can be prepared from perhydron or hydroperite tablets. Pergero is produced with a concentration of 30-33%. For the preparation of 12% paint, it is necessary to take 3 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of perhydrail. Add a tablespoon of ammonia and a few drops of shampoo or liquid soap to the mixture. After stirring, it turns out a liquid, slippery composition to be applied to strands and keep 30-40 minutes. Flush the paint is cold water, and then wash your head, as usual, with shampoo and air conditioning.

How to discolor hair peroxide

From the specified number of ingredients, 100 g of paint will be obtained, this is sufficient to clarify the lap lengths to the shoulders. If you have brown or blond hair, they need to be lit 6-8% peroxide solution. To prepare such a solution, mix 30 g perhydril and 60 g of water, add 10 g of ammonic alcohol to a mixture and a little shampoo. It turns out 100 g 8% solution. Before painting, you should not wash your hair. The area of \u200b\u200bthe temples and forehead is desirable to lubricate with cream before the procedure.

How to discolor hair peroxide

In the pharmacy, you can purchase hydroperite tablets, of which the solution of peroxide is prepared for staining. In order to make a 10% staining composition, scroll through 16 hydroperite tablets into powder. This can be done using a pin or a mortar with a pestle. Pull the powder into an enameled or ceramic venue and a fraction of 2 tablespoons of water. Mix the mix thoroughly and add the floor of a teaspoon of liquid soap, as well as a teaspoon of ammonia alcohol.

How to discolor hair peroxide

Tired of shaving legs? You can discolor your hair with peroxide. Prepare for this special ointment. Pour into a bowl of 20 drops of a 30% perceptivity solution (perhydrail) and mix it with vaseline. It is necessary for half a teaspoon. In the fatty, add a teaspoon of Lanolin and two drops of ammonic alcohol. Thoroughly mix and apply everything into the hairs. After complete drying, the ointment is washed off with water. Such an ointment can be used to lighten the hair on face and body. If you do not have amazing alcohol and lanoline, then mix perhydro with shaving foam. One part of the pergerer is enough two pieces of foam. Apply this mixture on your hair and keep 20 minutes. Rock with cold water. For a persistent effect, 2-3 procedures are enough.

How to discolor hair peroxide

If you have dark and hard hair, then it is better not to experiment, but refer to the specialists.

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