How often can you paint hair

How often can you paint hair

Most of the most weak floor representatives paint their hair. But the withdrawal paints have a cleaning property, besides, some women will quickly grow their hair roots. Therefore, color change requires regular staining. In this regard, many people have a question, how often can you paint your hair? Tell in order.

Much depends on the type of paint. Tonic, tint balsams and shampoos are often equated to natural paints. Unfortunately, in the formula of these funds there are also harmful substances, in particular hydrogen peroxide, although in small quantities. They paint hair only from the outside and practically do not penetrate inside, but quickly washed off (6-8 times). If you enjoy them more than 1-2 times a week, harmful substances will slowly accumulate, and when the dosage reaches the limit, the hair will grow strongly and will look sorry. Therefore, it is recommended to use these funds not more than 1 time per month.

There are soft and unstable paints that contain a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide, as in the shade of balms. With these means it is impossible to radically change the color of the hair, but only to give a light shade. In contrast to the previous type of funds, many people understand that they contain a small concentration of harmful substances. Paints of this type are able to hold on her hair from 1 to 2 months, after which the re-staining will be required. Once a month you can use these means without more.

Another category of coloring means is resistant paints. They contain a high percentage of hydrogen peroxide or ammonia and penetrate deeply inside the hair structure, which causes its damage. Such means are holding on the hair much longer than previous types of paints. Experts recommend using them no more than 1 time in 2 months. If you quickly grow root, color only them. If necessary, align the hair color with tonic.

Henna-based natural paints are useful for hair, so there are a large number of masks with the content of this component. Henna and Basma will take care of the health of your hair. Note that it is impossible to use bass separately from Henna. The ratio of the two components depends on the desired shade. If you take the same amount, get a chestnut shade, if you put 2 times more bass - the hair color will become black. To obtain bronze color, add 2 times more henna. It is important to know that Henna has a property to score hair scales with excessive use, so with time the hair can become rigid and dull. But from all of the above funds, it is the least harmful. Hus staining can be made 1 time in 1-2 months, and the roots resulting quite often.

If you regularly use the coloring agents, take care of the hair with caring shampoos, masks and balms. They will help keep hair beautiful and healthy. If, as a result of regular staining, the hair began to look bad, contact a trichologist so that he prescribes treatment and advised the right care. Otherwise, you risk getting overwhelmed hair, which will not be able to restore - you will have to agreed or walk with them until new ones. And even after, it is impossible to use persistent hair paints, otherwise the situation will repeat. First, put in order the condition of your hair, then stain. If they are originally weakened - be sure to restore them before staining.

Use only high-quality paints so that the color remains the most resistant. If you are poorly understood in the intricacies of staining, it is preferable to carry out the procedure in the cabin. Specialists will pick up you with a suitable shade and will apply professional paints in the right proportions. Perhaps you will have to mix several colors and at the initial painting to make staining twice.

Before painting, think is well, whether the chemical effect on the hair of the desired effect is. Do not forget to take care of them and how less often use electrical installation devices.

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