How to paint hair henna

How to paint hair henna

As a dye, henna is used since ancient. Around the world, artistic drawings on the body are known to be called Mehendi. In addition, this miracle powder is also intended for dyeing hair, treating thin, weak hairs, hair bulbs, fighting their falling and dandruff. In this article, we will look at how to paint the hair of henna, in particular to cook the cassea and put on the hair.

For painting Hahna hair, prepare in advance: a brush, a bowl, comb. You will also need towels or old clothes. Do not forget the gloves, because the henna powder is able to paint the skin.

Wash your hair with shampoo before the procedure and carefully dry them.

Now it is necessary to learn how to breed the powder. If you plan to use the hnu in pure form, then prepare only the substance and water itself. It must be hot - about 90 degrees Celsius. If you have short hair, it is enough for 3 hours l. But to begin with, it is better to use at least 25 g of henna. Powder, which remained, can be stored until the next color in a cool place, not in the sun, for example, in the refrigerator.

Put powder into the bowl. Then pour water until the casket is obtained, the consistency of which is similar to the sour cream. Wait a little, at least 10 minutes so that the dye fill. To do this, put a bowl with a mass in another container, having previously filled with hot water.

It should be applied until the mixture has not cooled. Start with a nape or macushk. The latest face framing strands are processed. Where the hair is the thinnest (in the forehead, at the temples), you need to walk more intensely.

To evenly distribute the dye, separate the mixture on the probes, withsting the distance of no more than one and a half centimeters. Apply Cashitz on the roots, stretch to the tips using a brush or dissection. When the hair is growing, only the roots can be painted.

After processing, the package or cap or hat. From above should be warm towel. If you wish, put the cloth under the edges to avoid paint.

If you paint the hair of colorless henna exclusively in health purposes, you can hold it only 10 minutes. To paint light hair, it will take less time than if you wish to get a dark shade: light hair will become golden after 2-3 minutes, light redheads after 5, bright redheads through 15, red or fiery after 40 minutes, black - if you Hold the paint for about 2 hours. To get a deep shade, some ladies leave the composition for the night.

After you have existed the necessary time, you should wash off the hu. For this, carefully rinse the hair. You should not use shampoo, and besides, you before the procedure already washed your head. To remove henna particles that are poorly washed away, you can use a rinse balsam. Check the residues of the hair powder while driving them with a hairdryer.

Various the color of the curls during the painting of the henna with the help of various additives, which are coffee, bass, etc. To a pleasant result, which is noticeable after staining, calculate the seal of scales of hairs, and therefore the strengthening of the hair.

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