Homemade hair paint

Homemade hair paint

You want to change your hair color, but do not trust the chemical dyes? Are you afraid that the hair will weaken, become dull, split? Then pay attention to home hair dyes. Not only do they dye your hair, but also improve their condition better than any rinse aid, is sold in the store. Of course, using natural colors do not get radically change the color, but give your hair a nice shade no problems.

Lightening hair for blondes

Blonde girl often notice that without proper care of their blond becomes dull, unkempt and yellowish. The following recipes will help them change the unpleasant yellowness for a delicious golden sheen.


Excellent clarifier for both hair and skin for a lemon. It is extremely easy to use:

  1. Squeeze the juice of 2 lemons.
  2. Add 100 mL of water and stir.
  3. Apply the liquid to the hair.
  4. Do not wash off. Repeat regularly and you will notice results.


The use of honey will give your hair a golden shade of extraordinary beauty, and make them shiny and accelerate growth. Use it simply:

  1. In the evening, wash your head.
  2. Rinse the hair with a mixture of water, salt and baking soda (1 tablespoon per 200 ml).
  3. Apply honey on the hair over their entire length, pomassazhiruyte scalp.
  4. Be sweet paint at night, in the morning rinse with water.


Decoction of chamomile - the most famous tools for hair care for blondes. It not only makes your hair silky and shiny, but also lightens them nicely golden hair. Prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers:

  1. Two tablespoons of chamomile put in a cup, pour boiling water.
  2. Gray water bath for 20 minutes.
  3. Dye broth to cool for 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse your hair after every wash it.

By the way, and even chamomile hides gray hair on light hair.

Shades of brown hair

For the owners of blond hair - a very wide field for activity: paints for your hair will be able to change their color on chestnut, chocolate and even reddish. There are several ways:

  1. To give hair a dark chestnut shade, rinse them in a firmly brewed black tea.
  2. A decoction of walnut husk will make the hair color slightly softer. To do this, clean the walnuts, take the handful of the husks and pour the glass of water. Boil the paint for 5 minutes to cool down. Rinse her hair every evening.
  3. Another way to give hair the chestnut shade is to rinse them in the courage of the bark of oak. Cutlery spoon Fill 200 ml of boiling water and warm on a water bath for 20-25 minutes. Use the decoction after each head washing.
  4. Press the red hue of Hnna. Buy it in a pharmacy or store and distribute with water in line with the instructions. If you want to reduce the color intensity, dilute the paint with welding.

Mobile hair in black with bass

Basma, like Henna, is a strong natural dye. It can radically change the color of any hair. In Painting, Basma has several subtleties:

  1. Do not use the bass after the painting of the henna or after the chemical curling.
  2. Apply paint on clean wet hair.
  3. The use of paint, which includes only bass, can give hair blue or green shade. To avoid this, add a spoonful of apple vinegar to the mixture.
  4. Basma can be mixed with henna, then the color will not be so dark. This method requires a thorough calculation of proportions, only then you will receive the desired shade.
  5. Deciding with the color, prepare the mixture, keep it on her hair at least two hours. Treat Painting Carefully: Distribute Basma evenly to make the color well.
  6. Basma painting perfectly masks seeding.

Weighing dark hair

Of course, this method will not bring you pure blonde, but brighten the natural hair color. For this:

  1. 10 tablespoons chamomile pour boiling water. Give in half an hour.
  2. Perfect decoction, add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Apply the mixture on your hair, cover them with a film.
  4. After half an hour, wash the shampoo paint.

Regular repetition of the procedure will show the result.

Natural paints have both pros and cons. They not only give the hair the desired shade, but also treat them. Although when using shops, you know exactly what color you get.

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