Lemon for lightening hair

Lemon for lightening hair

At all times, women sought to make their hair lighter. But how to achieve the desired color without damaging the hair structure? Lemon will greatly cope with this task. Due to the large number of organic acids included in its composition, this citrus will help make hair lighter both brunettes and blondes.

What color can be achieved

To make hair lighter with lemon juice, you will need to spend several procedures. This citrus brightens the hair by 1-2 tones for one application. The result is influenced by the individual features of the hair structure:

  • Your natural color is dark brown. The result is a grayish-beige or light brown.
  • Your natural color is light brown. The result is red, golden.
  • Your natural color is light blond or red. The result is light-blond.
  • Your natural color is light redhead. The result is dark blonde or blond.

If the hair from nature is very dark, then most likely the use of lemon juice will not affect their color.

Useful tips before the first procedure

Do not hurry with a clarification procedure, the impact of acid is always stress for hair. There are a number of restrictions and recommendations with which it is necessary to get acquainted before using the Citrus for the purpose:

  • Objectively evaluate, in what condition your hair is located. If they are dry, secant or brittle, then it is first necessary to restore damage, the application of lemon juice will only aggravate the situation.
  • Do not use this clarifier if you have painted hair. Only natural hair color can be made lighter with lemon. The color of the painted hair after applying the citrus juice will be unpredictable. It is better not to risk and wait until the hair will grow.
  • For the first time, apply the composition to several strands and see the result. If he arranges you, then you can brighten all your hair.

  • Lemon makes the hair dry, so be sure to moisturize them after the procedure: use the air conditioner and nourishing oils for the hair.
  • Carry procedure v summer time, so how activated citric juice under exposure uV rays.
  • Do not go to the pool after the clarification procedures, chlorine can react and change your hair color to green.
  • Not recommended conduct more one lightening v day.

The formulation of compositions for lightening hair with the content of a lemon

After applying any of the following masks recommended to stand under sunlight for 15 minutes. It is at times enhance the lightening effect. The total exposure time ended - 40-50 minutes (unless otherwise specified in the recipe). Not Insulate hair bags and scarves, the process of clarification is not affected. It is better to put them in a tight bun or braid into a pigtail. Frequency of application - no more than 2 times per week.

Consider the recipes blends:

  • Lemon, honey and chamomile. Take a handful of chamomile inflorescence and brew in boiling water until cool. Squeeze in the juice of one lemon infusion and add 2 tablespoons of honey. The combination of these components gives the result expressed honey helps flush from the hair coloring pigment, makes more uniform lighting; Chamomile helps to strengthen the hair, giving them a warm hue. This formulation can hold up to 3 hours if desired.
  • Lemon, chamomile, lavender essential oil, saffron. Boil a pinch of chamomile inflorescences, as in the previous recipe. Add the warm infusion of half a lemon, a few drops of lavender, 2 grams of saffron and soak for another 20 minutes. Saffron gives a healthy shine to the hair and lavender protects against brittleness. Saffron - quite expensive spice, on a limited budget can be replaced by turmeric.

  • Lemon and vodka. Mix the lemon juice and vodka in equal amounts. This composition is perfect for hair prone to fat. Do not use it if you have dry hair.
  • Lemon and cinnamon. Add to the 3rd tablespoons of cinnamon a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and the juice of one lemon, whisk the ingredients with a fork until smooth. Cinnamon has lightening effect along with lemon juice. In tandem, they complement each other and accelerate the desired shade.
  • Lemon, yogurt and eggs. Mix the juice of one lemon, 3 tablespoons of yogurt and one raw egg. You can add a tablespoon of brandy spoon and a little shampoo. Yogurt, in addition to clarifying function, has a regenerating effect on the hair, they become stronger and healthier.

If you do not want to strongly clarify your hair, you can simply periodically rinse them with lemon composition after using shampoo. To do this, divert the juice of one lemon in a liter of cold water.

Carefully approach lightening with folk methods, since the structure of the hair has individuals individual. Adhere to the recommendations given in this publication, test the mask on multiple strands before full use, follow the recipe.

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