Cinnamon hair lightening

Cinnamon hair lightening

Today, to become the owner of a spectacular shade "Golden Blond" can not only with expensive chemical dyes, but also by using such natural and affordable tools as cinnamon and honey. This "delicious" duo will help give a natural sunny tint to your curls and take care of their appearance and health.

Features of natural hair clarification

Cinnamon and honey - the combination is amazing both in culinary and cosmetic terms. It turns out that the mixture of these fragrant ingredients works perfectly as a natural hair clarifier and is no inferior to the advertised salon colorators. It is important to understand that the cinnamon clarification gives a sufficiently soft and delicate effect, so the most suitable for rusola girls. However, brownish and brunettes can also periodically indulge themselves with a fragrant mask of cinnamon, to give hair expressive shine and make them stronger and thick.

Cinnamon Benefits

Preparation of clarifying mixes

Consider in more detail the procedure for lightening hair cinnamon. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a clarifying mask. To do this, connect 2 tbsp in glass dishes. l. liquid honey (candied honey you need to pre-"dissolve" in the water bath), 3 tbsp. l. Powder cinnamon and 6-7 tbsp. l. Hair blossom. The specified ingredients thoroughly mix with a plastic spoon or a wooden spatula to homogeneity. The finished honey-cinnamon mask must pose at room temperature for 40-50 minutes.

On a note! Consider that the proportions are mostly recipe are indicated for hair of medium length. The residue of the mixture can be shifted into hermetic container and used for subsequent clarification (mask retains its properties for 15-20 days when stored in the refrigerator).

Cinnamon mask cellar


Before the clarification procedure, be sure to wash your hair and dry them slightly. Then proceed to apply the previously prepared medical and cinnamon mask:

  1. Evenly handle the fragrant mixture of strand for strands with a narrow single-row brush. Cover the mask of the whole length of hair - ranging from the root part and to the most tips. If difficulties arise with the application of natural "eco-paint", slightly moisten the necessary strands using a sprayer.
  2. At the end of the staining, it neatly massively dissolve the curls and tail the comb with rare teeth. Then collect them in a bundle or fix with plastic clamps. It remains to wrap the lap with a stretch film and a terry towel. After half an hour, remove the insulation "Cap", but the mask is kept on the hair for another 4-5 hours.
  3. Be sure to remove the surplus of the clarifying mixture from the forehead, ears and neck with a wet cloth or a cotton disk, pre-dipped in tonic. If in the process of applying the cinnamon mask accidentally got into the eyes, immediately rinse them with clean warm water.

Note! Critting the hair with cinnamon in the presence of abrasion and microNok on the skin of the head categorically prohibited!


Washing of clarifying mixes

At the end of the last time, we slightly moisten the hair from the sprayer and pick up the fingertips once again. Next, thoroughly rinse the hair - first clean warm water, then - the usual shampoo. If necessary, use air conditioning-rinse. Washing hair gently blocked up with a soft towel and dried by naturally.

An important nuance! To brighten up with cinnamon by 1-2 tones, you will need at least 2-3 procedures with an interval of 7-12 days. The chamomile decoction will help consolidate the effect of clarification - each time we rinse with clean hair after washing the clarifying composition.

Cinnamon before and after

Of course, cinnamon hair lightening is a rather time-consuming and long-term process, but the result is clarified, healthy and brilliant curls - worth the time and attached effort!

Comments leave a comment
M. 24/11/2016 at 13:11

Photo "Before and after cinnamon cinnamon" is clearly exconed, as strands and individual hairs are absolutely identical on both photos. If one would take another photo ....

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