How to brighten the hair with hydrogen peroxide

How to brighten the hair with hydrogen peroxide

To briefly clarify the hair or make flirty blonde strands, it is not necessary to purchase expensive means for staining, it is enough to buy a hydrogen peroxide in the nearest pharmacy and get the desired shade at home.

Preparation for clarification

The hydrogen peroxide acts quite aggressively on the structure of the hair, because we prepare them in advance to the upcoming procedure. We make strengthening and moisturizing masks, use therapeutic balsams and shampoos. Before direct clarification is not my head, a couple of days. This is necessary in order for the hair to be covered with natural fat, which will protect them from negative impact.

Hydrogen peroxide affects natural pigmentation. You should not forget that only absolutely healthy hair can be lit. Natural blondes to get a lighter shade, just one clarification, red hair after the procedure will be lighter, but get yellow tint, for dark hair will have to repeat the clarification several times.

Concentration of funds

We determine the type of hair, their thickness and rigidity. The concentration of the clarifying agent directly depends on this:

  • for thick and tough, we take 8-12% solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  • for average - 6-10%,
  • for thin and brittle - no more than 5%.

The hydrogen peroxide dries greatly, because with a very dry type it is better to abandon the procedure and use a more secure clarification method.


We prepare everything you need for clarification. We buy in advance:

  • hydrogen peroxide of the desired concentration;
  • gloves;
  • bottle with sprayer;
  • hairpins;
  • comb strictly made of plastic;
  • any fat cream.

Hair clarification procedure

Features of hair clarification:

  1. Before lightening thoroughly comb hair, lubricate the skin with a fat cream, cover your shoulders with a towel.
  2. Pour hydrogen peroxide into a bottle with a sprayer.
  3. If you failed to buy the drug the necessary concentration, dilute with water to the desired indicator.
  4. So that the mixture was more thick, add a few ordinary shampoo.
  5. To enhance the effect, add 5 drops of ammonic alcohol to 50 g of the resulting composition, but remember that it gives a lightweight rim.
  6. We share your hair on strands and temper them for convenience of hairpins.
  7. With the help of a sprayer, we apply a remedy for hair, helping yourself a comb.
  8. The first is usually brown the roots of the hair due to heat, which highlights the skin head. Therefore, during the first staining, spray the remedy at a distance of 1.5 cm from the roots, and then processed the rest of the champper.
  9. When repeated clarification, we apply the peroxide directly to the collapsions, and therefore darker roots, we are waiting for 3-5 minutes and distribute the tool along the entire length.

Lightening time

The clarification time depends entirely on the original hair color:

  • If the curls are light, waiting for no more than 40 minutes. For control after 15-20 minutes from the beginning of the clarification, we wash off a small strand and admire the color if the desired shade is achieved, wash the remedy, if not, we are waiting a little more.
  • If the hair is dark, the tool hold on her hair from 40 to 60 minutes, check the quality of the clarification by the previous way. To speed up the process and increase its efficiency, warm the head with a polyethylene film and towel.

Finishing touch

We wash off the lighter from the hair, we apply any medicinal balsam. For a stronger impact, we leave it 10-15 minutes, after wash off warm water and rinse the hair with the infant of herbs (nettle, chamomile, burdock, etc.).

Simple recommendations will help to understand how to brighten the hair with hydrogen peroxide and do not harm them. If the desired shade did not work from the first time, after a week we repeat the procedure.

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