How to whiten the teeth of hydrogen peroxide

How to whiten the teeth of hydrogen peroxide

A bottle with hydrogen peroxide is almost in any house. This drug is suitable, as a rule, in case of any state of emergency, such as abrasions and cuts, but about the fact that he also whiten his teeth, know a few. Unlike clarification procedures using abrasive powders - soda or thussed activated carbon, hydrogen peroxide more gently affects the dental enamel and does not injure it. In confirmation of the security of this whitening method, we recall that this drug is part of many industrial clarifying gels and rinsers.

The whitening effect of hydrogen peroxide is achieved due to the oxidation of organic substances, which then disintegrate and carbon dioxide. The result of the clarification will not be noticeable immediately. At least 14 days of regular procedures. Try to accelerate this process by more frequent use of hydrogen peroxide, because, despite the relatively soft effect of the drug, during the procedures there is still a minor thinning of the dental coating.

For whitening, you need to take 1-3% solution. A more concentrated drug can cause bows of adhesions and strong enamel damage. In order to maintain the achieved whiteness effect, rinse the oral cavity a couple of times a week using a weaker solution. To do this, immediately before the procedure, divert the peroxide with water in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3. Such a solution also has an antibacterial and healing effect.

Hydrogen peroxide

Teeth whitening recipes:

  • Clean your teeth using toothpaste, preferably with high fluorine content. After that, we rinse the mouth with hydrogen peroxide for 40-60 seconds, try to skip fluid between your teeth. Then spare the solution and carefully rinse with water. For half an hour after the procedure, it is impossible to eat and drink colored drinks. This method can be used no more than 1 time per day.
  • For faster whitening additionally use the soda. Mix it with hydrogen peroxide so that there is a pasty mass. You can also add a drop of tea tree or mint essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture on your teeth with a cotton stick, disk or just with your fingers, try not to hurt yourself. Leave the mass on the teeth for 2-3 minutes, rinse your mouth and clean your teeth. Perform such a procedure once a week. On the Internet there are tips on the use of the above-described mixture for cleaning the teeth with a brush. However, this method is very hard and can lead to severe enamel injury and guy.
  • Moisten a soft toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide and clean your teeth. This method allows you to well-earn inaccessible places due to the deep penetration of the villi.
  • Take 30 ml of 1% peroxide or mix 2 h. 3% solution with 4 h. L. water. Then add soda there and salt on the knife tip. Rinse the mouth with the resulting liquid and then clean your teeth with a soft toothbrush.
  • To clarify the pigment spot or the darkened part of the tooth, rub every day enamel with a cotton waller dipped in hydrogen peroxide.

Light pinching and hissing is a normal phenomenon when bleaching. But if you felt a strong burning sensation or have pain, the procedure must be stopped. Also should not lighten the teeth of hydrogen peroxide:

  • children, under 13 years old;
  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • if there is a large number of restorations and crowns;
  • with unbearable caries;
  • with an enhanced enamel sensitivity and adhesion.

When going to whiten the teeth using a hydrogen peroxide solution, remember that, despite its widespread use in dentistry and cosmetology, professionals do not use this drug in its pure form. In the composition of special means, other components are added that protect the enamel, while not reducing the clarifying effect.

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