Teeth whitening activated coal

Teeth whitening activated coal

Teeth can be whiten using an expensive specialized toothpaste, and you can use cheap activated carbon. It is our article to be the second tool and our article will be devoted. We will make a reservation at once that activated coal for teeth can be used if there are no holes, enamel - without cracks, and the gums are completely healthy. It is also worth refusing to use coal to people who have braces or leveling plates on the teeth. In this case, coal will accumulate and harm the tooth enamel under them.

Coal and Toothpaste

You will need:

  • standard tube of ordinary toothpaste;
  • 10 activated carbon tablets;
  • mortar for rubbing coal;
  • spoon for mixing paste and coal powder;
  • a jar from under the storage of the cooked paste.

Make bleaching pasta very easy:

  1. Grind the pills in the mortar to the powder state.
  2. In the jar, squeeze the paste from the tube and add coal dust to it.
  3. With the help of coffee spoons, mix the paste and coal.
  4. Store a tightly closed jar on the side shelf of the refrigerator.

It is necessary to clean such a tip of the teeth in the usual way, only then very carefully rinse with water.

Activated Coal Powder

10 pieces of coal tablets Grind in dust, pour the powder into hermetic container. To clean the teeth, first wet down the toothbrush by the immersion method, then apply the resulting powder on it. Clean your teeth as if you used tooth powder. This coal dust can be mixed with an ordinary dental powder (proportion 1/1) and use this mixture. At the end, do not forget to rinse your mouth with water. If parts of the coal remained between the teeth, then apply a clean toothbrush.

Checking tablet

This bleaching method is the easiest:

  1. Put coal tablet in your mouth.
  2. Wait until the tablet is slightly moistened with saliva.
  3. Check the tablet for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Rinse your mouth with several waters. If necessary, use a brush or toothpick.

Whitening properties of coal

If your teeth are not snow-white, then activated carbon will not help them become whiter. Coal with any described procedures works in the form of a peculiar abrasive material, which simply removes a yellowish flare from the teeth from food or tobacco.

How often brushing teeth activated coal

No matter how hard you try to crush coal, the large fractions will always be in powder - they can scratch dental enamel. But this will happen if the teeth brushing the carbon daily. To protect the teeth, cleaning the powder, paste or chewing tablets can be made no more than two or three times a month. Cleaning charcoal is best combined with the subsequent processing of teeth of pasta, strengthening enamel. She will scold microcracks that may arise.

It is worth using activated carbon for teeth whitening - to solve you. He will not bring much harm, but also a real Hollywood smile will not provide. But as urgent help for brightening teeth, coal is quite suitable.

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