Mask from black dots with activated coal

Mask from black dots with activated coal

With the problem of black points, not only adolescents are facing, but also people of more mature age. Of course, you can seek help to a beautician, but the removal of comedones is a pretty expensive procedure, and it is necessary to repeat it repeatedly. A cheaper and affordable option - a mask from black dots with activated carbon, which can be easily done at home.

We prepare the skin

The main task of such a mask is the elimination of comments, so it is necessary to provide its components full access to the pore. We start preparing the face:

  • Clear using soap or gel.
  • Prepare a steam bath with the addition of extracts of therapeutic herbs: chamomiles, calendula, from the Hyperician.
  • Saw with its help the skin of the face, it will take about 10 minutes.
  • You can apply a mask.

Be sure to cover with something to protect them from the mask. If you apply a film mask, avoid getting into your eyebrows.

Activated Coal Mask Recipes

We suggest you choose from several options for masks that will be best approached. Their components are cheap, but the result is the same as when applying expensive means. In addition, for their preparation it is not necessary. Consider, in all masks only boiled water is used, and not normal.

Mask film with activated carbon and gelatin

Such a mask will qualitatively clean any pores on the skin, give it elasticity. Its recipe and method of application:

  • Connect a tablespoon of food gelatin with a tablespoon of milk.
  • Carefully expand the tablet of activated carbon, enter it into the cooked mixture.
  • Heat the finished film mask in the microwave or on a steam bath.
  • Cool and apply several layers of such a face mask.
  • Remove the resulting film after its complete drying.

Activated Coal and Water Mask

It is done extremely quickly and does not need additional ingredients. Recipe and use method:

  • Thoring three activated carbon tablets.
  • Connect them with a tablespoon of water.
  • Apply this mixture to the skin, let it dry, and then smash thoroughly.

Mask of cosmetic clay and activated carbon

Not only eliminates black dots from the face, but also gives it a healthy and well-groomed appearance. Recipe and use method:

  • Crush two tablets of activated carbon.
  • Connect them with a tablespoon of cosmetic clay. Use the blue or black clay based on the overall condition of your skin.
  • Pour water into a mixture for the formation of a casher.
  • Apply it with a brush on the skin except the area near the eye!
  • Remove after 15 minutes.

Mask with essential oil, clay and activated coal

This mask will help you get rid of the comedones, as well as from the peeling of the skin. Its recipe and method of application:

  • Half of the tablespoons of white, as well as green clay. Connect with a tablespoon of activated carbon powder.
  • Pour the tablespoon of roses petals, finely chopped, and add three droplets of geranium essential oil.
  • Stir everything, bundled water.
  • Keep on the skin for 15 minutes.

Mask with Sea Salt and Activated Coal

It will eliminate not one comments, but also pimples. Its recipe and method of application:

  • A third of the sea salt teaspoon connect with a teaspoon of activated carbon powder.
  • Pour a teaspoon of fresh aloe juice and three drops of tea tree oil.
  • Divide the mixture with water, apply it on the skin.
  • Remove after 15 min.

Each of these masks is unique, but they are united by the fact that due to the activated carbon, they help eliminate blackheads. Choose any of them, on the basis of the special needs of your skin, and make sure that the black points will be over!

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