How to remove black dots on the nose

How to remove black dots on the nose

Black dots on the nose is a fairly common problem for many. These are comedones - sebaceous glands scored by dead skin cells, skin fat, mud, residues of cosmetics. They appear most often in adolescence due to increased salo waste, hormonal imbalance, as well as due to improper skin care. Of great importance is the correct healthy nutrition (smaller sweet, oily, fried and smoked food, alcohol; more regular use of fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products and seafood). The selection of cosmetics, especially the tonal cream and face powder is important. With daily use, cheap tools quickly clog the pores, contributing to the appearance of black dots. Nose skin is especially exposed to this due to extended pores. First of all, prevention is needed - the daily cleansing of the face suitable for your skin with the means in the morning and in the evening. Now let's talk about the ways to get rid of black points if they have already appeared.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning is the fastest and efficient method of getting rid of black points on the nose. But after the procedure, the skin can inflame, and the irritation will hold on several days. To reduce the risk of inflammation, follow the instructions:

  • Clean the skin to your usual way.
  • Spare face on a water bath with a pharmacy chamomile so that the pores expand.
  • Carefully disinfect your fingers.
  • Gently and carefully squeeze the black dots so as not to damage the skin.
  • Wipe the skin with a soothing tonic.
  • Lubricate the problem areas with a protein of eggs - it will help to narrow the pores.

Using a special plastering

Strips for cleaning the skin on the nose can be bought in any pharmacy or shop with cosmetics. You can also make yourself prepare a means of a mixture of milk and gelatin (one tablespoon):

  • Heat the mixture in a microwave or water bath for dissolving gelatin.
  • Then cool down a little, apply on black dots.
  • After frozen (minutes 30) - dramatically remove the film with the sticky comedon.
  • Treat the skin with tight pores with ice cubes from grasses of herbs (for example, a series), with the addition of fruit acids (for example, lemon juice).

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal is famous for their soothing and bactericidal impact on problem skin. Therefore, in the fight against black dots a good effect can be obtained by making oat mask:

  • Grind in a mortar or coffee grinder tablespoon of oat flakes.
  • We gradually add kefir to oatmeal to the consistency of thick casher, then a pinch of salt and a couple of boric acid droplets.
  • Apply a mask on the peeled skin of the nose, hold down 15 minutes and remove.
  • After that, you need to wash cool water.

Application of soda with salt

Excellent comprehensive means - soda mask with salt. Salt gently removes pieces of damage skin, and the soda cleans the skin from fat:

  • Take a mixture of soda with shallow salt in equal amounts, add liquid baby soap or a solution of baby soap to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Cotton disk, moistened in solution, make a circular movement of a gentle massage of problem areas.
  • After 3-5 minutes, wash the solution with cool water and process the skin with a soothing agent.

Try the above methods to combat black dots on the nose - and after a while you will definitely see improvements. The main thing is to prevent common skin care errors and do not bring it to a deplorable state when only cardinal measures can be able to help.

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