Black clay from black dots

Black clay from black dots

Black dots on the skin few people bypass. They are formed as a result of pore contamination, excessive selection of sebaceous glands and insufficient hygiene. From afar, their presence is almost imperceptible, but if you carefully look at, then many can see the places of accumulation of points on the face, especially near the nose and on the chin, on the back, shoulders and other parts of the body. In this case, there are two options: either mask them with tonal means, or eliminate using various substances. In purification of the skin from black points, black clay will be irreplaceable. It exceeds all harmful substances on the capillary level, cleans the pores and pulls the skin of the face. We learn more about black clay and its capabilities.

Composition and basic properties

The use of this mineral resource for cosmetics is carried out quite a long time, but many of us still can not imagine how black clay looks and how it affects the cleansing process. To do this, will reveal several important aspects:

  1. Black clay - a natural substance that mined deep on the bottom of the reservoirs. Its composition is very rich in various minerals that contribute to the intensification of cellular operation and rapid skin purification. Among such useful elements is potassium, quartz, barium.
  2. Its appearance resembles a powder-gray or black powder. The structure is slightly oily to the touch and dense, therefore, this type of clay use cosmetologists as much as possible with various procedures for moistening and filling the skin with the necessary natural substances.
  3. Black clay prevents the spread of inflammation, localizes the sick places, has a healing effect.
  4. After the mask on the skin, a subtle invisible film is created, which protects the cover from external stimuli, in particular from the overaffect of ultraviolet.
  5. Also lines and tones the skin, removes all irregularities and black dots, even in hard-to-reach places.

Sequence of use

In order to clean the skin from black dots, you need to stick to a certain algorithm:

  1. We buy black clay. It is sold in special cosmetic stores or pharmacies.
  2. The desired amount of powder is divorced with water to a state of thick homogeneous mass. We thoroughly mix the mixture, watch all the lumps dissolve.
  3. We put the mixture on the area with black dots and wait when the clay slightly hardens.
  4. Making a light massage with circular motions until the clay starts sliding. Movements should not be very sharp so that the skin does not stretch. With a massage, it is impossible to touch the area around the eyes.
  5. We wash the mask several times cool water.
  6. In order to completely remove the elongated clay dust and greasy fat, we will make a peeling from oatmeal. It is enough to mix oatmeal with water, wait until they scatter, add a bit of olive oil and apply to the skin. After instantly, rush.
  7. Wipe the skin with a soft towel and fool the slightly moisturizing cream. It is possible to replace the cream with cucumber juice.
  8. If, instead of black clay, use the ready-made special composition, then the need for peeling and moisture cream will disappear, because comprehensive means, as a rule, already include all the necessary additives and impurities.

How to improve the result

To improve the result, it is first necessary to find out how skin refers to the skin. The problem of black dots basically affects the owners of oily and skin. Therefore, a black clay mask will be more effectively prepared on a chamomile or calendula. The process of washing is also recommended to carry out the remnants of this brave. Chamomile will help remove inflammation and dry the skin. With dry skin, the mask need to add some tea tree oil or grape seed oil. These two means give good moisturizing and are excellent antiseptics.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that the use of black clay is available and useful, it is still not recommended to apply it to people whose health is subject to certain agers. We are talking about heart disease and vessels, hypertension and manifestation of venous mesh. This procedure is not suitable for intestinal poisoning, respiratory diseases and mental disorders. A black clay mask is categorically imposed in the formation of various types of tumors - both benign and malignant.

As it turned out, black clay is one of the most effective funds on the elimination of black dots. Its use brings only pleasant sensations, and the effect of the procedure exceeds all expectations. Let the skin forever remain beautiful and healthy.

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