How to clean your face from black dots

How to clean your face from black dots

Black dots on the face significantly spoil the appearance and make the skin problem. The most interesting thing is that not only adolescents are faced with such a phenomenon, but also people of old age. This is due to excessive selection of sebum and insufficient skin care.

Removal of gumons in the cabin

If you do not want to deal with self-cleaning of the face, consult professionals. Now there are several ways in the cabin, thanks to which the pores will become clean:

  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • mechanical manual cleaning;
  • vacuum cleansing.

Depending on the skin condition, the cosmetologist will independently choose the necessary method of cleaning, and your skin will shine health.

Folk Methods

If you are not ready to lay out a round sum for cleaning pores, you can do it at home. There are many folk methods that gothic removed. The most popular are sticky masks to which all the dirt is glued and removed with the remnants of the means. They are prepared on the basis of honey and gelatin.

Gelatin Mask from Kamelons

Take the tablet of ordinary activated carbon and dispel it into powder. Pour to powder tea spoon gelatin and pour 2 tablespoons of cold milk. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes. While the gelatin swells, make a warm compress or steam bath for the face. Your task is to unpack your face to open the pores. Put the gelatin mass on fire and heat so that all ingredients dissolve. With a flat brush, apply a liquid on your face by drivening movements. Leave the mask for 20 minutes, it must dry completely. After the time expires, sharply pull the film from the face, it will remain all the dirt. Now it remains to rinse the skin with cold water.

How to clean your face from black dots


Take a chicken egg and separate the yolk from the protein. Beat the protein into the magnificent foam and with the help of a tassel apply a substance to the skin. Take ordinary white napkins and brush them into small pieces. Stick them from above on the protein layer. Now it remains to wait until the mixture is dry. It will be needed 20-30 minutes. Sharply tear pieces of napkins together with mud, which is in the pores. This is a rather unpleasant procedure, but the result is omnant. Now smear the face of the yolk and leave it on the skin, for 10 minutes. Sighty the mask with water and you can admire your appearance.

How to clean your face from black dots

Soda mask

For the preparation of the mixture, take in the same quantities soda and salt. It is desirable to take the "Ecstander" salt of fine grinding. Mix the ingredients and pour into them the soap foam prepared with a liquid soap or gel for washing. Apply porridge on the skin and hold 5-10 minutes. This mask is very much burning, so you have to suffer. After an expiration of time, moisten the mask with water and spend your palms face. Thus, you whipped all the garbage and dead cages from the face. Wash the composition with warm water and lubricate the face with cream.

How to clean your face from black dots

Please note that commemorate commemorates may not be due to the infection that you will distribute all over the face. With the help of masks at one time from black dots it is difficult to get rid of, but with regular care you will achieve excellent results.

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