How to squeeze black dots

How to squeeze black dots

Black dots on the face and body can appear in people of any age and gender. Most often, they are disturbed by the fair sex with a fatty skin type, but may appear on combined, and even on dry skin, if you do not conduct daily procedures for cleansing the skin. Black dots on the face are especially noticeable, they look extremely untidy and repulsive. In order to quickly hide this drawback, black dots are extruded, but it is very important to do it right.

Why black points appear

Black dots are called comedones in scientific. They arise due to the blockage of the silent skin ducts. As a result, the skin fat can not go out and accumulates under the skin, forming a small white clutch, and a black point is formed from above due to contaminants. Only daily cleansing procedures are helped to get rid of black points, but not always cleaning is so deep to completely get rid of this ailment. To quickly get rid of the already appearing black points, they can be squeezed by freeing the duct. Cosmetologists do not recommend doing it at home, so as not to be under the skin infection, but if you prepare a person and carry out the procedure correctly, there is no danger.

Skin preparation

In order to remove black dots effectively and without negative consequences, it is necessary to prepare the skin in advance. First of all, it is necessary to clean it from pollution and burned skin particles. To do this, use any scrub purchased in the store or prepared yourself. Then the skin must be displeps: you can hold the face over hot water or above the decoction of medicinal herbs. For example, chamomile decoction additionally cleans and disinfect. Also on the desired section of the skin, you can apply a towel, soaked with hot water. A visit to the sauna or just a hot tub is suitable as skin training. After such leather procedures are expanding, it begins to breathe better.

How to squeeze black dots

On clean sparkling, you can squeeze black dots. It is necessary to do it with clean hands, wrapped in a gauze impregnated with an antiseptic agent. Wrap around the fingers of the bandage and wet its hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or single-surfactant solution of salicylic acid. Now put your fingers from two sides from a black point, it should easily be removed by freeing the skin. Delete only those points that can be sufficiently pressing too much, it only injures the skin, but does not help get rid of the problem.

Skin treatment after removal

After completion of all procedures, the skin must be calmed down, and the disclosed pores are narrowed, since the mechanism of the skin glands is such that they will try to re-close the released space. To do this, wipe the skin with a disrupute tonic or lotion (if not, use the hydrogen peroxide). And then apply a tightening mask: it may be a gelatin-based mask, clay or egg protein. Instead of a mask, you can wipe the face with ice cube, the cold also contributes to the pore tag. The last stage is the application of a moisturizing cream.

The skin, prone to the appearance of black dots, brings her owner a lot of trouble. Nevertheless, there are quick and safe ways to bring your skin in order. Do not forget about the prevention of the appearance of black dots, but already appearing defects can be easily removed by extrusion.

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