White dots on the lips how to get rid of

White dots on the lips how to get rid of

Small white dots on the lips - quite frequent phenomenon. The reasons for their appearance can be different, but in any case such rashes look unesthetically. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of this problem once and make your lips attractive.

Causes of white dots on lips

The most common cause of the appearance of white formations on the lips is Fordice's disease. It is characteristic of the appearance of white spots with a diameter of no more than two millimeters on the field of lips or other mucous membranes. The exact causes of this phenomenon have not yet been studied. It is only known that the granules appear due to the accumulation of the skin in the upper layers of the skin, but scientists are unhands that the Fordais granules do not carry any danger. They are not malignant formations, not contagious and extremely rarely deliver discomfort to their owners. The disease does not need treatment, but the female half of society often tries to get rid of spots on the lips to preserve their beautiful appearance, so in cosmetology has developed means of combating this ailment.

Methods of getting rid of cosmetology salons

When referring to a professional cosmetologist, white dots on lips are treated with laser migration methods or cryotherapy (cold frost). This method is suitable for removing points, regardless of their prescription, at the same time, experts guarantee the result - there will be no scars or scars on the lips. The only drawback of this method of getting rid of white dots is that over time they may appear again, so after the procedure, cosmetologists recommend regularly lubricate the lips of jojoba oil in order to prevent.

Folk treatments

If you do not want to contact the doctor, you can get rid of white points and people. This path will require a little longer, but the cash costs will be reduced.

Application Coltsfighters or Calanchoe

If you can get a fresh sheet of coltsfoot or calangean, which is often found as a home plant, make a compress, applying a sheet to lips and securing it with a plaster. Change the sheet one or twice a day - and a week from white points there will be no trace. The method is inconvenient in that to achieve the effect, the plant should almost constantly be in contact with white dots, but if they are not extensive, then with a small plaster you can go outside.

Propolis oil

Propolis is a miraculous substance that helps to fight with many diseases, its oil relieves from white points. Flight the oil in the lips three times a day, and after a few days the point will begin to decrease, and then completely disappear. For the skin of the lips, the oil will also be useful. And if you make oil yourself, but it will take a lot less time. For its manufacture, propolis needs to be frozen and pour with sunflower oil, leaving for several days to appease. Then oil is filtered for ease of use.

Bariums fat

Barbuses fat - a very effective means in the fight against white dots. Run it on the lips for half an hour, for example, while viewing your favorite transfer, and after two such sessions will be noticeable. The only problem is to find bars of fat on sale not easy, try to ask about its availability in a local pharmacy.

Baked bow

A little less effective means - baked onions. Fresh bulb must be lubricated with honey on all sides and bake in the oven at 200 degrees 20 minutes. Then you can squeeze onion juice or apply the layers of the bulbs to the affected areas for half an hour. After five procedures, the result will be noticeable.

There are many ways to get rid of white dots on the lips both with cosmetologists and folk remedies. All these methods give a rather fast and long-term result, however, they will not be able to get rid of the cause of white points, so a visit with such a problem to the dermatologist will never be superfluous.

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