Girovik in century how to get rid of

Girovik in century how to get rid of

Zheniki is small white-colored growths having a benign structure. Their formation is quite frequent phenomenon, they arise suddenly on any part of the body, including in the age of. Urgent removal is not always sure, but it is desirable because the eyes are subject to discomfort. Credit with the purification of centuries from the wen is possible using the following recommendations.

Removal at home

For self-autopsy, a thin needle will need. It should be carefully disinfected. It is advisable to wear medical gloves in your hands or wash well with soap. Eyelid with an antiseptic. Hold your left hand, and the right gently try to pierce the fat, and the gathered liquid comes out. Additionally, it is impossible to squeeze, otherwise the girodics can venture deep into the eyes, and inflammation will go further. After the procedure, we wipe the eyelid antimicrobial cream or alcoholic solution. As soon as we see that the wound closed, we apply an ointment that removes inflammation. It may be a tetracycline ointment or levomecol. Majm ointment of the eyelid every day so that the girlfriend is slowly leaving. Iodine and green in this matter are not helpers, they, on the contrary, can strengthen the inflammation process.

Folk remedies

In this situation, it is necessary to treat herbal bums. Incorrectly chosen grass may worsen the condition of the patient's eyes and provoke exacerbation. Therefore, the compresses will be superfluous. For effective treatment, adhesive infusions should be taken inside. We take mint, immortelle and rosehip berries, grind and get a homogeneous composition. Fill with water and boil no more than a minute. On each spoon, the mixture accounts for one glass of water. The decoction should be for several hours. Drink an incomplete glass for half an hour before meals four times a day for a month. Next, make a breather. You can re-start no earlier than two months later. Similarly, you can use a brewed yarrow. Fill it with boiling water in proportion to a glass of water two teaspoons and drink along the same method. Also, in the eyelid, you can put a mask from the test. We mix the tablespoon of flour, the squirrel of eggs and a little honey. We impose in the eyelid and keep about ten minutes. At the end, wash off the water.

To the doctor

If there are doubts about the success of their treatment methods, it is easier to turn to such specialists as a dermatologist, cosmetologist and surgeon. In medicine, there is enough techniques for the purification of century from wen. The most popular and painless way is laser deletion. The process passes ambulatory, local anesthesia is used and takes little time. After this procedure, it is possible to immediately return to the usual rhythm of life. In addition to laser intervention, wen are removed by the causticity of chemicals and liposuction. But for the century, it is still better to use the first method.

Active lifestyle

Frequent appearance of wen testifies to a reduced immunite. It is necessary to establish proper nutrition, eliminate harmful food, minimizing alcoholic beverages. Wear vegetables and fruits, take vitamins. It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, have a healthy sleep, less undergoing nervous stress. And wen will stop disturbing.

Summarizing the above written, I would like to pay attention to the fact that the removal of wen has long ceased to be a problem. It is necessary to treat your eyes with care, and even more so for a gentle age. Therefore, we take into account all your capabilities and find the right method for the fight against wiring, weighing every step. Do not forget, timely appeal to the specialists remain very important.

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Camill 06/08/2015 at 14:16

Excellent article! Just gipovik got out!

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