How to quickly get rid of herpes

How to quickly get rid of herpes

About 80% of the total population of the Earth is carriers of a simple herpes. It is manifested by small bubbles on the lips. Modern medicine is unable to save the world from herpes forever. Herpes can only be translated into the remission stage ("dormant" stage). It is possible to do this with the help of healthy agents or special antiviral ointments.

You will need:

  • Herbal tinctures of a hormour, chamomile or calendula;
  • Antiviral drugs from herpes (ointment "zoviraks" or "acyclovir");
  • Alcohol infusion of propolis;
  • Bold nutritional cream;
  • Aspirin or paracetamol;
  • Eucalyptus oil.

Five-way-brew-herbal tea

Fit the inflamed herpes bubbles with alcohol tinctures. It will disinfect the wound, dries the skin around the affected places and prevents the spread of inflammation on neighboring tissues. Bubbles will quickly heal. And to reduce irritation, lubricate the lips with a fat cream.

Treat herpes on the lips of the "acyclovir" or "zovirax". Antiviral tools weaken the virus and dried the wounded areas of the skin. Such a procedure should be carried out every 2 hours during wakefulness. Before using medicines, consult with your attending physician and an allergist.

Wash your cotton disk in salt solution or in herbal infusion and lubricate them bubbles. Also, the aqueous solutions of aspirin or paracetamol, Eucalyptus essential oil, have a good anti-inflammatory effect.

With frequent recurrences of herpes, we serve antiviral drugs (Famvir, Vivorax), and also increase your immunity, taking complexes of group B vitamins, selenium and zinc. These trace elements contribute to the rapid healing of ulcerations.

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Larisa 05/12/2015 at 9:31

You can not separately zinc and selenium, but just a vitamin complex, and immunity at the same time to increase. And the fastest means to get rid of herpes, this is an antiviral infogel ointment. I am any viral infections to fly to her, and the windmill daughter, and Stomatitis, and her husband's herpes was treated as they were treated. Sometimes five days, and everything passes.

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Alesya 17/11/2020 at 12:57.

Yes, most importantly, with such diseases, it is to increase immunity and then, the appearance of recurrence will decrease to zero.

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Galina Optional 18/11/2020 at 10:44.

Everything is true when the immunity is strong, herpes subsides if you can put it. I myself studied this topic for a long time, talked with three doctors. As a result, I just changed my nutrition to the right one, I started playing sports. And, the course of the immunomax puncture and in the complex everything perfectly helped. I do not remember for quite a long time about herpes.

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