How to get rid of a red face

How to get rid of a red face

Redness of the skin can be hidden using cosmetics, but the problem will remain unresolved. There are many reasons for the appearance of redness. It is they who require identification and treatment.

In this article, we will consider the following ways to eliminate redness on the face: the choice of suitable cosmetics, proper washness, normalization of blood vessels, power correction, the use of therapeutic masks, rims from chamomile, essential oils, as well as other modern methods.

Selection of cosmetics. Try to acquire only qualitative treatments for your face. This also applies to decorative cosmetics. Always check the shelf life. If you suspect that a certain cosmetics causes allergies, try the remedy on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin or other place, imperceptible to the eye.

Proper wash. Use warm water. Too hot or cold helps to dry the skin. Pay attention to your face care facilities - they should not contain alcohol and other substances that are dried skin. In the end, blot your face with a towel, but not try it. Be sure to apply a moisturizing cream on it.

Restoration of blood vessels. Expanding, the vessels do not take the original state, so the pores are revealed and the whole face pours red. To prevent this problem or get rid of it, it is necessary to remove all the reasons for the pore extension, namely:

  • stop drinking sturdy tea and coffee, as well as energy and sweet carbonated drinks;
  • do not drink too hot, acute and spicy food;
  • forget about alcohol;
  • do not interrupt skin contact with too cold and hot air.

Nutrition. Turn into your diet carrots, broccoli and potatoes. These vegetables contain antioxidants that moisturize the skin from the inside. With regular use, you protect it from drying into too cold or hot weather. In periods of frost and winds, we must wear a scarf. Wrap it around the nose, mouth and lower cheeks.

Mask with Aloe Vera. The plant has anti-inflammatory properties, cools and moisturizes the inflamed skin. You can apply a special Aloe Vera gel (sold in pharmacies and supermarkets) or juice from its own plant. Apply a thin layer on redneck skin. The cooling effect will come instantly, and within 30 minutes the main redness will leave. Alternative to Aloe juice is the cucumber. Clean it and cut. Attach slices on problem areas. After 15-20 minutes, redness will decrease.

Skill from chamomile. Soothing the inflamed skin will help infusion from chamomile. It has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, and also contributes to moisturizing and skin regeneration. Take 2 tbsp. l. Dry herbs and pour their glass of boiling water. Cover the decoction with a dense lid and let it brew about 2-3 hours. Wipe the skin by this tool 3-4 times a day.

Use of oils. Each evening put on the skin any oil to choose from - coconut, almond, olive, shi. They warn her dehydration. You can alternate them. As an alternative, moisturizing creams are suitable, which have listed oils.

Modern methods. If you want to quickly get rid of redness on the skin, contact a dermatologist. But to prevent redness in the future it will be necessary to comply with the above rules. To restore the operation of blood vessels, the following methods are used:

  • electrocoagulation - causticing of burst blood vessels and capillaries;
  • ozone therapy - introduction under the skin of a special mixture with ozone and oxygen;
  • laser therapy - used to treat more launched cases;
  • photocographication - exposure to high-intensity light on skin cells.

Subject to the regular observance of the above methods of red, the face will gradually leave. If for 7 days you do not notice the results, contact a dermatologist. He will appoint you an individual diet and suitable drugs.

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