How to remove the vessels on the face

How to remove the vessels on the face

Vascular asterisks are found not only on the legs, they can manifest themselves on the face. Their appearance causes a woman physical and emotional discomfort, because they seriously spoil appearance. At the first signs of Cooperiz on the face, it is necessary to immediately apply measures to eliminate them. Extended capillaries lost the ability to narrow due to the deterioration of blood supply. You can fight with them by folk and medical methods.

The cause of coperaosis can be hidden in incorrectly selected everyday cosmetics. Perhaps some funds are not suitable for you. You most likely sensitive skin that negatively reacts to irritation. Review your entire skin care system, try to change it.

The skin prone to the appearance of extended vessels requires a careful relationship. Alcohol-containing cosmetics - her worst enemy. Exclude ordinary scrubs and peeling. There are gentle products based on enzymes and soft peeling. Use for cleansing an alternative - grasses champs, their fees (chamomile, sage, linden, currant leaves and raspberries).

For your skin, pick up cosmetics with additional care for susceptible skin. These are funds, suspending vessels, strengthening and moisturizing. Read the composition on the label, it is desirable that there are present: vitamins K, C, RR, Mountain Arnik, wildlife flowers, Gamamelis, Japanese Ginkgo.

An important step towards the prevention and treatment of cooperosis is a complete refusal of unhealthy food and bad habits. Exclude alcohol smoking. Mistake the use of sharp, oily, too hot food, chocolate, caffeine - they reduce the elasticity of the vessels. All is harmful to you, which increases blood pressure. Useful regular walks in the fresh air.

Vasoms strengthening vitamins C, K, P, which are in large quantities in berries (grapes, black currant, blackberry), citrus, green vegetables (especially in broccoli), dairy products, walnuts, fish oil, sauerkust, buckwheat , Parsushka. Supporting vessels of wild-chevers and oak cords are useful to drink and wipe the face.

If nothing helps - neither the means of traditional medicine, no diet relief you from vascular stars, then it's time to turn to cosmetologists. Modern ways to eliminate extended capillaries on the face will return your skin healthy look. Visit any salon known to you and consult. You will advise fast and safe procedures.

If the mesh on the face is very small, not more than one centimeter, then you are suitable for laser sclerosis or photocoagulation. The laser on the vessels acts selectively, Cooperosis is cured for some time. Neighboring fabrics are not injured, the procedure is painless, but the vessels will not be deleted at all, so the procedure must be repeated.

In the treatment of coperaosis procedure, the capillaries are removed using a conventional beam. Unlike laser, the result not immediately. But after two procedures, the capillaries are no longer visible, the skin becomes healthy, elastic. As far as the obtained effect of the photodegradation is enough - depends on the lifestyle of a person.

If the cooperosis in the running form and the vessels are expanded to 1 cm, then the treatment with a laser and photorejuvenation will not help, more radical measures are needed. For example, ozone therapy. Ozone-oxorod is very thin micone in the vessel. The vessel at the same time "bonds." This method will long eliminate the vascular grid and does not leave bruises and scars.

Only a cosmetologist can accurately establish what method you need to use to remove capillaries on your face. The selected method is determined by many factors: the general state of health, the degree of copery development, lifestyle.

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Inna 11/10/2019 at 11:44.

I, as a doctor, can say that with the advent of such vessels it is better to immediately run at the reception. The blood circulation can be very bad ... And this is a thrombus, a scuba ... Do you need it? Usually everything can be normalized very easily. Preparations that improve blood circulation (dihydroquercetin, for example) and abundant drinking during the day are helpful. Some, if there is a need for advice weight to lose. As a rule, after such therapy, blood circulation problems are quickly solved and the vessels on the face also disappear)

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