How to remove bruises

How to remove bruises

Bruise on face or body sometimes becomes a real tragedy for its owner. Imagine a woman to go to the restaurant in the evening, and she has already prepared a luxurious open dress - and then the bruise on the forearm. Or and worse, a man is going to the first date, and he has a bruise under the eye. Is it possible to get rid of the bruise?

If almost black bruises are visible on the body, it is very difficult to cope with it. Blood from the burst vessels spread under the skin and already baked. In this case, the bruise can be masked by tonal cream and powder suitable color.

Fresh bruise, which has not yet had time to darken, is cleaned with the help of special resinking ointments. Mazi Croquesvanic, heparin or Traumel with, Lioton-gel, Ointment Badgya, Gel Sinyak-Off. You need to apply them, strictly following the instructions.

From folk methods, such funds can be recommended:

  • One bulb is on the shallow grater, mix with one spoon of salt. Take this mixture in a gauze napkin and keep at least 30 minutes on a bruise. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 hours, each time making fresh onion composition.
  • Fresh thick cabbage leaf bullet down with kitchen hammer to juiciness and make compress from it. Change every 2-3 hours.
  • In a small grater, soda is fresh beet and mix it with honey (proportion 1/1). Attach homemade ointment on the bruise and leave for 5-6 hours.
  • 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar Mix with one tablespoon of salt and add 4 drops of iodine. Gusto spread the bruise, and cover the top with a polyethylene film from above.
  • Potato starch to split the water to the state of thick sour cream and overlap on the bruise in the form of compresses.

To prevent the appearance of bruises, an ice bubble is superimposed on the entire bruised space. Instead of ice, you can apply any frozen product from the refrigerator. Keep the cold is necessary at least 15-20 minutes, and then the injury place to handle iodine - draw a iodine mesh.

Most often, the bruises appear on the body of those people who have very weak capillaries. For the strong walls of capillaries in the body corresponds to Vitamin C. It is a lot in citrus, kiwi, sweet Bulgarian pepper. And at the pharmacy, the drug "Askorutin" is sold, which doctors prescribe people with problems of frequent breaks of vessels.

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Rita 07/11/2015 at 5:20

information is up to date, thanks. constantly in the corners I do not fit and go with bruises

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