How to quickly remove the belly after delivery

How to quickly remove the belly after delivery

After the emergence of a small inheritant, there are changes not only psychological, a and physiological changes. Besides what the chest grows, the tummy appears, which before the birth of the baby, perhaps the young woman did not have. Of course, she wants to get rid of him as soon as possible. But how, if the time is almost for yourself, it does not remain because of the trouble with the kid? If you wish, you will succeed, most importantly, act the instructions below.

Recommendations for timing

Imceitches immediately after childbirth is not recommended. If you had natural delivery, then start swing the press only after the restoration period. He is individual with every woman, the doctors have established an approximate period of 5-7 weeks. And with a cesarean section and more - from two to two and a half months. This time is necessary that young mothers do not have problems, namely:

  • discrepancies of the seams;
  • the uterus managed to cut to the ex-sizes, otherwise there will be pain.


The feminine should not refuse himself in the variety of products, because the child needs a normal full-fledged nutrition. However, some norms must be observed. Do not eat canned, fried, fatty products. Do not drink carbonated drinks and completely give up alcohol. Try to convince your grandmothers that it's not necessary to drink a day of three liters of liquid into a day, milk and so it will be good to arrive. Yes, and it is also not useful too (there is two), eat exactly as much as you want.

Light gymnastics after childbirth

Such a complex will help faster to restore the outlines of your aspen waist:

  1. Lie on the side, draw your stomach as much as possible, lock this position for 4-6 seconds. Then exhale and relax the muscles. Do at the beginning 5 approaches, gradually increase to 20.
  2. Roll over onto his back. Put the baby on her stomach. On the inhale draw the tummy bulge on the exhale. Number five is also eventually bring up to twenty.
  3. When the end selection, you can do the following exercise: bend your legs, inhale, tighten your stomach. Sacrum not lift and try as hard as possible to get accustomed waist to the floor. After five seconds, relax and repeat again.
  4. Recently, a pleasant and relaxing movement. Which is strategically located and stretch the whole body, as if after sleep. Repeat this exercise several times.

A set of exercises for the restoration of previous forms

It should not be just to load yourself if you are not used to do gymnastics, start small. To achieve the result, do exercises intensively. Before the complex gymnastics do not eat at least an hour. Now you're ready:

  1. Start with a warm-up. Hand in hand, turn the body to the left, to the right.
  2. Feet set wider than shoulder width and flat back squat (10 times).
  3. Please stop, lying on the stomach. Alternately rises straight arms in front of him, then his legs. Alternate with exercise boat (at the same time raises the hands and feet).
  4. Uprites folded hands on the floor, lift the body to the legs, abdomen retract, muscles tighten, hold for 5 seconds so gradually bring the time down to the minute.
  5. Lie on your side. Do foot moves, then the second leg, and after two to 10 times, and so on the other side.

Regular performance of the exercises is sure to give visible results.

Besides all the above, well lose fat in the abdominal area helps sauna. So what if you have no contraindications, then visit the bath as often as possible.

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Vita 10.26.2019 at 10:31

Frankly, I'm too much added during beremennosti..Posle childbirth began to feel some kind of oily Babenko. Milk I did not, I did not feed .... Therefore, immediately began its journey to the transformation: become lipotropic factor evalarovsky take (it helps remove excess fat), eating has become more right to play sports. Already most of the Dialed kicked off)) Yes, and the belly weighs)

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