How to lose weight in the stomach

How to lose weight in the stomach

Lifeline lifestyle, endless stress, laziness and irrepressible appetite are the main reasons for the appearance of a "rescue circle" on the waist. Closely passing by colorful showcases with fitting spectacular outfits? Stop Handing and sigh! We know how to quickly get rid of the treacherously discovering the tummy.

To become a possessor of a beautiful flat tummy and a finely owned waist, review your food habits. Refuse a white wheat flour, fat, smoked and salty products (chips, sauces, canned food, sausage, homemade salts) in favor of fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and greens, lean meat (turkey, veal, beef), rich varieties (Pike, Mintai, Cod, Heck, Sudak), Seafood, wholegrain porridge, dairy products and dried fruits. Forget about sugar and do not get carried away with salt, season meals only with non-footing natural spices. Be sure to include quail eggs, seaweed, fish of salmon, nuts, flaxseeds and olive oil - These products are sources of useful omega-acids that contribute to the activation of metabolicism in the body. In nutrition, observe moderation - eat often (5-6 times), but gradually (approximate weight of portion - 180-200 g).

Separate attention deserves a drinking menu. To get rid of the fatty pillows on the stomach, you will have to abandon alcohol, store packaged juices and carbonated drinks, black tea, coffee. Pour clean non-carbonated water, fruit and vegetable frishes (for example, from celery, carrots and apples), decoction of rosehip, cranberry juice, unsweetened green or herbal tea from melissa, daisies, chasty. Daily in the morning on an empty stomach (about 40-50 minutes before the first meal), drink a honey-lemon drink. Prepare this elixir of harmony is very simple: in 200 ml of warm non-filled water dissolve 1.5 cl. Natural (unpasteurized) honey and 2 ppm Fresh lemon juice. This delicious drink has amazing properties - contributes to intensive detoxification of the body, activates the ejection of bile and acts as a soft safe laxative.

Unfortunately, without fitness about a flat tummy you can only dream. In order to easily lose weight in the stomach, rational food must be combined with daily physical exertion. Forget about the monotonous swing of the press! Relief from the "jelly" layer on the waist will help classic straight and oblique twists, "scissors", "bike", "plank", alternate lifts of legs and body housings. During the workout, try to work out all muscle groups. Consider that the optimal duration of the workout is at least 40-45 minutes. Each lesson start with a light workout (make a few slopes-squats, jump a couple of minutes with a rope), and end with a stretch. Be sure to withstand the interval between meals and training (approximately 1.5 hours). During the day (at home, at work, in transport), perform a simple, but very effective invisible gymnastics - on the breath, relax the abdominal muscles, in exhale - pull them as much as possible.

Lose weight in the stomach and make a sagging flabby skin more smooth and smooth will help such a cosmetic procedure as a coffee wrapping. Before the direct procedure, take a warm shower and thoroughly clean the skin from organized cells using a natural scrub (mix the pre-crushed oatmeal with thick creams and 2-3 drops of orange oil), then make a lightly tweeted problem zone massage. As an active composition for wrapping, the needle coffee thickness is used - generously apply it to the abdomen area, blame the food stretch film into several layers and the heat is lump up (you can lie down under the blanket or do household chores). Wash out the coffee mixture after an hour with warm water. After the shower, you must moisten the skin with cream, milk or almond oil.

Adhere to our recommendations - and very soon a beautiful tightened belly will become your pride!

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Galina 11/09/2018 at 6:19.

I will say ... that without sports nutrition will not cope. I have enough success in weight loss, after L-Carnitine began to take (SportExpert) and protein .... Live was noticeable)

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