How to lose weight in the stomach

How to lose weight in the stomach

Flat belly is not a gift of nature, but work on yourself. The reasons for the appearance of the abdomen are the accumulation of fat, weakening the abdominal press muscles, insufficient intestinal work.

Organize proper nutrition. Strict diets and starvation - Helpers bad. After stress, the body begins to actively postpone fat in the case of the next hunger strike. Kilograms, discarded in a week, quickly return. Do not install the strict frames in the reception of writing. The ban on the food after 18 hours does not work most often. You stand stand on the whole evening, and closer to the night, when the number of views of the refrigerator rolls, you are thrown. Turn on the more fruit and vegetables in the menu and pay attention to the caloric content of the products. Reach from habits to snack on the go.

Calorie products

Perform physical exercises To strengthen the abdominal muscles. It is necessary not only to swing the press, it is important to give a load on oblique muscles. Spin the hoop. Select the weight suitable for you. Easy hoop twist is harder, it takes more energy for this. Heavy creates an additional massage on the waist and abdomen area, but can leave bruises. Classes in the pool create a load on all muscle groups and burned calories.

Here you can download a useful exercise complex - complex of exercises for abdominal muscles.

Effective procedure - roast massage. You can perform it yourself. Buy silicone banks at the pharmacy. Two jars will be enough for you. Before the procedure, smear the skin with cream so that the banks are better slid. The use of gel for this purpose for burning fat will give a double effect.

Another useful procedure is a massage with honey. Pass the stomach to improve blood circulation. Then spread honey. Put your hands on the stomach. One hand should remain in place, and the second slowly raise. Honey is very sticky, and you will need efforts to tear your hand from the skin. Do it carefully - without sharp movements. Honey penetrates the skin layers, providing its nutrient elements. It increases skin elasticity. The effect of massage is achieved by reducing the muscles. Like any other procedure, honey massage has contraindications:

  • allergy to honey;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • skin diseases;
  • the presence of papillomes and moles.

The fat burning and anti-cellulite gels will not help if you bring gel after an abundant dinner on the abdomen and calmly go to the sofa. These funds are auxiliary and serve as a good addition to massage or physical exertion.

Watch out for the work of the intestine. The accumulation in the intestine of food residues leads to the formation of fat and prevents the normal metabolism. Morning not with coffee, but from a tablespoon of olive oil. Then drink a glass of water with lemon juice. Eating products rich in fibers helps to get rid of constipation. Any vegetables in cheese or boiled form will benefit. To the usual vegetables, add the root and stem celery.

Round tummy decorates only a pregnant woman. Bold belly does not paint anyone. Do not wait for the moment when it becomes difficult to tie the laces! Constantly follow the nutrition and move more. It is easier to warn the appearance of fat than getting rid of it.

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Diana 11/09/2018 at 6:17

I recently started practicing before training SportExperspert L-Carnitine Take ... Jolot began to burn well ... Of course, there is still a deficit of calories to maintain, then everything will be fine))

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