How to pull the belly

How to pull the belly

Each woman wants to feel attractive, confident. Tighted, beautiful tummy is especially relevant in the summer, when you want to wear outdoor outfits and look delicious for a hundred percent. There is a lot of ways to make the stomach flat, and the waist is thinner.

Whitening lingerie will help pull the belly

Exercise, massage for body adjustment, diet do not give an instant effect. And if you urgently need to wear a certain outfit, and the figure look slightly, then you will help you pulling linen. This does not mean that you need to wear tight tight corsets, now adjusting the underwear, practical, beautiful. At the same time, it perfectly copes with an ardent and adjust your silhouette.

What lingerie is easily pulling the stomach?

  • Body.
  • Graces.
  • Shorts.
  • Belt.
  • Corsets.
  • Whitening panties.

If you are going to wear a fitting evening dress, then seamless corrective underwear you just need. It will make your figure slim for any few seconds. In addition, seeing how beautiful your body can be, you want to make a maximum of effort so that it looks like this and without any damaging linen.

Exercise to drag belly

  • I swing the press at least three times a week.
  • We are engaged in aerobics.
  • Jumping well pull up the whole body. We jump on the rope or without 200 times a day.

Massage for the correction of the figure to drag the belly

  • Every day before bedtime, and also before training, we make a massage of the abdomen to improve the fi and withdrawing process from the body.
  • We rub in the skin liquid vitamin E. It will make the skin more elastic and elastic, will help her shy after a decrease in the abdomen.
  • We can use several drops of orange essential oil during massage. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the skin, promotes weight loss, splits subcutaneous fat.

Proper nutrition and drink to drag the belly

  • Food often, but small portions.
  • We cancel roasted, fat, smoked.
  • We introduce in the diet more vegetables.
  • Drink 20 minutes before a glass of water.
  • After receiving food, do not drink anything for 40 minutes.
  • During the day, we drink at least seven glasses of clean water.
  • We replace high-calorie desserts with pleasure dried fruits and a small amount of honey.
  • Do not take food before bedtime. The stomach must rest at night.
  • We use more citrus. The vitamin C strengthens the press muscle.

Alcohol - Enemy Slim Figure

Alcohol consumption slows down the metabolism. If you want to have an elastic flat tummy, then you should refuse any alcoholic beverages. It has been proven that alcohol contributes to the deposition of fat in the field of waist. In addition, under the action of alcoholic beverages it is difficult to control your nutrition.

No stress!

Stress, unrest contribute to the body of cortisol hormone. This hormone contributes to the emergence and accumulation of fatty sediments on the stomach. Valerian, herdrik, glycine will help bring their nerves in order, and at the same time figure.

Cosmetic procedures to drag the belly

The contrasting souls will help pull the belly and make elastic skin. The scrub of a sea salt of fine grinding and olive oil will help get rid of fat on the stomach. Such a scrub is easily prepared at home. It is necessary to use it once a week while taking the soul. Keep the salt on the skin is 10 minutes, and then wash off.

Wraps with honey are very effective in combating extra kilograms. Conduct such a procedure for at least a couple of times a week.

Take patience, make efforts and soon you will see the desired result. Flat tummy is the result of a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition and sports - will make not only belly, but all your body is perfectly tightened and causing admiration. The main thing - to practice regularly and to make the right diet, then the result will be persistent, strong health, and you will be breathtakingly beautiful.

Comments leave a comment
Lila 05.19.2019 at 13:15

All the ways are not mine, I've wondered the same question that wanted to do this as quickly as possible and with a minimum of applied forces, I successfully managed to implement once tried Turboslim rapid weight loss and interval starvation, just a couple of days it took to reset excess weight and now I am a happy, I personally liked the entire line Turboslim)

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