Flabby skin on the stomach, how to get rid of

Flabby skin on the stomach, how to get rid of

Many women cannot afford to wear short T -shirts and separate swimwear due to flabby skin on the stomach. The skin, which has lost elasticity, is gathering in small wrinkles, drops in folds, often there are stretch marks, and all this looks very unaesthetic. But even this misfortune can be defeated if you are wandered with desire and patience.

Causes of sagging of the skin of the abdomen

In order to effectively fight the problem, you must first deal with the cause that caused it. Most often, pregnancy and childbirth are the reason for the sag of the skin of the abdomen in women. During pregnancy, the skin and abdominal muscles are sharply stretched and after childbirth cannot return to their previous state, losing elasticity. The same effect is observed with sharp weight loss. A sedentary lifestyle combined with irregular, too high -calorie nutrition and overeating due to stress will ultimately also lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin of the abdomen. We must not forget about the factor of aging: with age, any skin becomes flabby. All these reasons lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the tummy not in a couple of days or even months, and therefore it is necessary to return its former beauty, taking a complex of measures described below and following them for a long time.

Water procedures - combine pleasant with useful

One of the simplest and most pleasant ways to deal with the problem is to regularly go to the pool and engage in swimming. When engaged in this sport, you will tighten the figure and improve the condition of the skin at the same time. Among other things, the water perfectly soothes and relaxes. Combine swimming with a trip to a sauna or bath to achieve a greater effect: the contrast of temperatures will positively affect the elasticity of the skin. If the trip to the pool turns into a problem, take a bath and a contrast shower of the house.

Hula Hup

This simulator can be an excellent assistant in the fight against an unattractive belly. Twist the hoop, starting from five minutes a day, gradually increasing the time to 15 minutes. The hoop must necessarily have a massage effect, which means that it should have small irregularities, protrusions or balls. Training with hula hup also has a comprehensive effect: soft massage is combined with a load on the muscles, which leads to a positive result, which is noticeable in a few days. In the early days, it is better to twist the hoop, putting an elastic belt on the waist: it will reduce the effect on the stomach, preparing it for loads, and will help to avoid the appearance of bruises from excessive exposure.


If you train the abdominal muscles on your own, neither strength nor desire, you can resort to massage. Of course, you need to find a specialist who can conduct it correctly, acting on all aspects of the problem. The massage of the abdomen, unlike many other types of massage, is most often not a pleasant procedure, but the effect is worth it. It is carried out in combination with rubbing essential oils or anti -cellulite creams and gels, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. In order to see the result, it will take at least 10 sessions, but the effect will be persistent.

Masks and wraps

In addition to strengthening the abdominal muscles, to improve the condition of the skin, you must additionally nourish it. Masks and wraps based on white and blue clay are perfect to eliminate sagging. The mask is applied for 15 minutes, and then washed off. For wrapping, apply clay and wrap the tummy with a film for 30 minutes. After the clay is washed off, apply on the stomach and rub the essential oil of citrus fruits, juniper or jojoba to enhance the effect. Baths with essential oils will also benefit: they contain vitamins and trace elements that help the skin maintain tone and elasticity. A few drops of oil per bath will be enough. Before applying masks, do not forget to treat the skin with a scrub, it will exfoliate dead skin particles, reveal pores for better absorption of nutrients.

Salon procedures

Beauty salons offer their methods to return the attractiveness of the abdomen. One of the most popular and effective procedures is mesotherapy. A special composition is introduced under the skin, returning it to its elasticity and beauty. Modern equipment allows injections almost painlessly, the patient does not experience unpleasant sensations and gets a quick result. Dramatic defects (such as “hanging apron”) can be corrected by plastic surgery. At first glance, this method seems simple, but in practice its application is a responsible solution, since it involves the use of general anesthesia and a difficult rehabilitation period.

Preventive measures

If you are still working on your stomach, and even if it is now perfect, do not forget about simple measures, the observance of which will allow the skin on the tummy to always be beautiful and smooth. This is, first of all, a balanced diet that does not exceed the norm of calorie content, and compliance with the water balance. Eat meat, fish, vegetables, nuts and cereals and drink at least two liters of water per day. If you combine proper nutrition with physical activity, the abdominal muscles will always be in good shape, and the skin will glow health!

A flawed, sagging, wrinkled stomach is a problem that many female representatives are faced with, but this is not a reason to doubt their beauty. There are many methods of combating this problem effectively and quickly. Take a comprehensive solution, train your muscles and nourish the skin - and a beautiful well -groomed stomach will not be long in coming! Persistence in achieving the goal and the desire to change themselves will be excellent assistants on the path to beauty.

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