How to remove skin debrity

How to remove skin debrity

Diryabay sagging skin does not adorns a woman nor a man. People with such a problem are trying to hide the body under long clothes, do not go to the beach and in the pool. Sometimes even shy to undress in front of the closest person. Is it possible to get rid of damage skin? Of course, yes, but we must try to try very much.

Causes of skin declarations and methods to eliminate

The skin can be a decay due to such factors:

  • natural aging;
  • the consequence of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • fast weight loss;
  • heredity;
  • weak muscles;
  • internal illnesses.

Remedy can be divided into two large groups:

  • Professional, i.e. Used in cosmetic clinics and salons.
  • Home supporting procedures.

Professional methods

Consider these methods as they are demanding among customers:

  1. Cosmetic wraps under which seaweed, clay, chocolate and other similarities are used. Wraps are used when the skin is only slightly flabby, and the active components of masks increase its tagium (elasticity or tension).
  2. Hydromassage, which is carried out with the addition of salts into the bath. The combination of water blows with chemical compounds improves the condition of subcutaneous fatty fiber.
  3. LPG Massage is a massage using a special computed machine with active nozzles of a variety of configuration. The device, depending on the state of the skin, allows for different problem areas of the body to choose a certain effect of exposure.
  4. RF Lifting or radio wave suspender. A special electrical apparatus is applied, which radiates radio waves defined safe for a person length. They penetrate the skin, activate metabolic processes in cells, which in turn entails the restoration of elasticity.
  5. Mesotherapy is subcutaneous injections with special drugs. Preparations are saturated with skin by microelements and vitamins, which leads to the restoration of the water balance.
  6. Biocibernetic therapy is a procedure resembling electrophoresis. An electrolyte with active substances that contribute to its suspender are applied to the skin. The applicator is superimposed on top and a weak electric current is served through it.
  7. Hyaluronic acid biorevitalization - it is also referred to as beauty injections. It is hyaluronic acid that is the most effective means of restoring the water balance and the subsequent retention of the fluid in the skin cells.

Homemade means

Not all women have the opportunity to use the clinics and salons. If you feel about their number and leather you have a flabby, try the following methods:

  • Get on swimming. During swimming, almost all muscles are involved - as a result, the skin receives pulses from the inside and pulls up.
  • Make a self-massage of problem areas - for this a variety of hand vibroromassagers are suitable.
  • Take a ten-minute contrast shower every day. If you can, then at least once a week, combine it with a bath. A sharp transition from hot to cold and on the contrary stimulates the skin first to reduce, then relax. There is a kind of self-sage
  • Do not get drunk by sunny baths - ultraviolet rays drained the skin, and she begins to squeeze.
  • If you gathered to lose weight, then do it gradually and smoothly. Do not use those diet where a positive result may be in a week. The rapid combustion of subcutaneous fat leads to the formation of excess skin, where this fat has previously accumulated. Slow weight relief will allow the skin to self-tighten to its natural forms.
  • Drink a lot of liquid, better than ordinary water. It will saturate all the cells of the body, including skin cells.
  • Take the vitamins of pharmacy A and E - they are responsible for the beauty of the skin.
  • Eat only useful and high-quality food: fresh vegetables and fruits, a variety of cereals, dairy products, fish and low-fat meat. Balanced nutrition is the basis of beauty, and not only the skin, but also hair, and nails.
  • Refuse cigarettes and alcohol - their harmful effects on the body does not require clarification.

Prevention of leather flabbiness

In order for the skin over time, it did not become a flabby, start to care from the youth. Use moisturizing creams if you go to the beach - sunscreen. Watch for your weight and do not let exist kilograms. During pregnancy and after childbirth, weares special bandages that support muscles and not giving the skin to stretch. With any problem with health, contact your doctors in order to cure this or that illness.

Drying skin is not the final sentence. Combining cosmetology achievements and accessible home methods, the skin can be put in order for a very short time.

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