The overflow of the upper eyelids in medicine is indicated by the term "ptosis". His main reason is a violation of fluid exchange processes. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye, the skin is thin, so often this problem is especially noticeable here. Ptosis can appear as a result of the weakening of the muscles located around the eyes, when skin aging, impaired nerve, sharp weight loss, diseases of the kidneys, hearts, and other ways to eliminate such a defect is quite much - from the use of folk remedies before the surgeon scalpel. To begin with, you can try to get rid of the occurrence of the eyelid or reduce it yourself. How to do it, read in our article below.
Salt consumption must be minimized, as it delays water in the body and therefore contributes to the appearance of swelling. To increase the outflow of the liquid, try to sleep in the correct position, preferably on the back, putting a pillow under the head. You also need to reduce water consumption for the night.That's all. If our advice seems to you enough, the eyelid problem can be solved by a radical method using a cosmetic operation. It is not complicated and done under local anesthesia. Be beautiful, good luck to you!
Ptosis - it was my problem with youth, even as a child, I answered a bit. What to do, then the fate is so. Maybe I will give someone a good advice, I learned that there are such stripes that can be applied forever and they are lifted.