Black elbows how to remove

Black elbows how to remove

Beautiful hands were always considered a sign of woman's well-maintained. But neat manicure is only half of the case. Many do not notice such a problem as flapped skin on the elbows. But elbows are a very delicate place, and they need careful and daily care. The causes of the flabber leather are usually becoming failed in the work of the endocrine system, lack of vitamins A and E, as well as frequent loads on elbows. If the problem lies not in the diseases of the endocrine system, then get rid of it becomes easier. What ways will help get rid of the coarse skin on the elbows?


An effective means in the fight against black elbows are various baths with sea (food) salt or soda. On 250 ml of water take approximately 1 teaspoon of salt and hold the elbows in warm water no more than 15 minutes. After start massage them. At the same time, the dead skin will be peeling and sliding. Rock the flakes of skin flakes with warm water. Sometimes baths with salt or soda can be replaced with warm potato decoction or solution with ammonia alcohol and liquid soap. After the procedure, be sure to fool the elbows with a moisturizing cream so that clean skin is fed by the useful components.


For whitening and nutritional nutrition in the location zone very effectively use lemon juice. Attach the elbows lonely lemon or a napkin moistened in lemon juice, and wrap up for 20 minutes by food film or a warm scarf. By the same sample you can use any oil of plant origin. One of the most effective will be olive oil. Moisten a napkin a little heated oil and attach it to elbows, as when using lemon, wrap the food film or scarf overnight. Sometimes in the complex with olive oil you can use fresh potato mashed potatoes. In the fight against black elbows, finely grated onions also helps. Take a napkin with a onion casket and fix on the elbows in the usual way. After all the stamps, it is necessary to lightly lose the elbows with pumice and an inside with a fat cream.


Scraper for whitening and exfoliation of dead skin with elbows to cook very easily. It is necessary to mix the same amount of salt and sour cream. This simple scrub is good to use after the baths for the elbow or while taking the shower. To do this, you need to apply a small amount on the problem area, to rub well and washed with warm water. After the procedure, it is mandatory to anoint elbows with a fat cream.

Preventive methods

To prevent or reduce the problem of black elbows, you need to follow a number of prophylaxis rules. To ensure skin moisturizing, it is necessary to consume a daily enough water. Also make sure that the air of the house is well moistened. Try to reduce the contacts of dry elbows with soap and detergent. For skin improvement in this area, effectively take various multivitamin complexes. Caring for skin elbows should be daily and careful, so do not forget about the purity of this place and the use of special pharmacy creams against inflammation.

Black elbows are a signal that in the body is not all right. It requires serious and immediate medical actions. The process of treating this problem is very painstaking and complex. To return the healthy functioning of the body and the natural view of the elbow, it is necessary a little patience and effort. However, beauty and health require victims.

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