Peeling skin on the elbows what to do

Peeling skin on the elbows what to do

Peeling skin on the elbowsminor defect, on the which the often not treat attention. AND not surprisingafter all he not on the see. A between thread that inattention or ignoring problems maybe play chuck joke, insofar as the change state skin on the elbows maybe be sign diseases. Let's tell me, why peeling leather on the elbows, and what v it is case need to make.

1) Causes peeling skin on the elbows

Leather cute reacts on the vitamin and hormone imbalance. So peeling and dryness skin on the elbows maybe be reaction on the flaw v organism vitamins, especially groups A and E., and interruptions v work endocrine systems. Also problems with skin can arise v aspect skin diseasesdermatitis, psoriasis, eczema or allergies. Elbows react peeling on the error v care per nimi: frequent usage scrabov and tough mochliki or generally absence someor care. On the condition skin can negative influence and climatic factors (low humidity, sharp drops temperature), quality clothes (synthetic materials), conditions work (sitty work per table). So, to install real cause peeling elbow, it is better contact to doctor.

2) Cleaning skin elbow

If cause togo, why yours elbows peel, not connected with pathology, complex events on care per nimi need to start off with cleansing, then there is removal omantic cells skin. For of this can apply how special cosmetic scrub and gommazha (but not more often 2x once v week), so and homework facilities, which can use front eachdy adoption bath or soul. V quality such homemade scrabov applya piece lemon. or potato with subsequent (v soul or bathroom) processing elbow washing. Also for cleaning elbow suitable mixture natural coffee sO sour cream (1:1), which need to leave on the skin on the 15 minutes, after what wash away.

3) Softening skin on the elbows

Purified leather, especially after bath or soul, maximum prepared to further care. So follow stage after cleansing will softening skin. WITH this purpose also use shopping creams with nourishing or moisturizing effect or take advantage household means (vegetable oils, animals fats). Selected you means it is better apply on the night, namazing tolstoy layer, covering foodie film and fixing bandage.

4) Masks from peeling skin on the elbows

More one stage care per elbowsweekly nourishing masks. Apply such mask need to, how and softening means, on the purified skin after bath or soul. Do nutritious compound can from warm honey, added to him pair drops baran calendula or juice aloe. Also v quality mitigating masks for elbow can use mixture sour cream (1 art.l..), egg yolk. and couple. drops etheric oil (orange or grapefruit). Put away peeling on the elbows can at aid apricot masks, for what mix flesh 5 ripe fruit and little heated butter (1 art.l..). Such masks need to stand out on the skin 1520 minutes, after what wash away warm water or herbal infusion.

5) Bathrooms for peeling elbow

Not less effective means for softening skin on the elbowsbathrooms. More often total with this purpose are used warm sodoy bathrooms. To do such softeful water procedure, stir 2 art. l.. foodie soda v 4x glasses heated water and lower v solution elbows on the 1530 minutes. V quality bathrooms for elbow can apply and decoction potato. Such procedures can conduct daily v quality preparation to cleansing skin.

V conclusion i want to remind, what return smoothness yours lokotkov need to support. So take per rule daily lubricate their fatty cream and once v week pack mask.

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