Skin peel on face what to do

Skin peel on face what to do

Face peeling is a fairly common female problem. It spoils the appearance, and also does not allow the makeup normally, since the tone cream falls unevenly, and when using powder, the face looks like cracked asphalt. It is added to all this itching and other unpleasant feelings. Of course, I want to get rid of this problem as soon as possible, and how best to do it - you will learn from our article.

Causes of peeling skin

The first step in getting rid of this problem is to identify the cause of its occurrence. Consider the most common:

  • Excessive loss of moisture leather.
  • Negative influence of the external environment.
  • Dry skin type.
  • Heredity, in this case, the skin is dry not only on the face, but also throughout the body.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes on the face.
  • Allergy to anything.
  • Prolonged reception of some medicines.
  • Disabled cosmetology procedures.

Determine which of these factors could have a negative impact on you. Be sure to try to eliminate it. If this is not done, any treatment will be useless.

Prevention of peeling skin

Huge importance in this process has high-quality face skin care. Its basic principles:

  • Do not wash your face with soap, use gels that allow you to moisturize the skin.
  • After water procedures, wash the face with a napkin, do not use a towel for this purpose, as it is overly injured the skin.
  • Avoid cosmetics with alcohol, as well as Lanolin.
  • Protect your face from a negative weather effect, in summer with a hat, and in the winter season - scarf. If necessary, use a protective cream, applying it to the skin for 30 minutes. Before leaving home.
  • More often, check the room in which you are, and in the winter, stir the container with water to moisturize air onto the hot battery.
  • Drink a sufficient liquid and eat a variety of vegetables as well as fruits.

Observing these recommendations, you will eliminate the peeling of the skin if it originated due to external factors, and also avoid re-appearance.

Salon treatments from peeling

If the peeling is due to heredity or some disease, do not try to cure it yourself. Go to the dermatologist, he will appoint you medicines and the necessary cosmetic procedures. The most common salon procedures aimed at combating this skin problem are:

  • Biorevitalization.
  • Peeling with fruit acids.
  • Mesotherapy based on preparations with a hyaluronic acid content.
  • A variety of procedures that allow efficiently moisturizing the skin.

Homemade Facial Peeling Facial

If the person is susceptible to peel due to dry skin type or negative environmental impact, then it can be facilitated by the means of home production. Consider the best of them:

  • Honey water. Stir an equal amount of water and honey heated to a liquid state. Use this means for washing, replacing it with simple water, and you will find that skin peeling will significantly decrease.
  • Milk mask with carrots. Connect the tablespoon of fresh spoonful carrots with a tablespoon of oatmeal shredded in a coffee grinder, spread the mixture with warm milk to form Cashier. This mask will save the skin from peeling, intensively moisturizing it.
  • Mask against peeling with dairy products and cucumber. Two tablespoons of cucumber pulp to the state of the casher with some milk product. For this purpose, suitable: kefir, cream, sour cream, yogurt.

Note that most often the peeling of the face of the face indicates any problems in your body. They need to be quickly eliminated by contacting a specialist. Homemade means only provide the necessary care for peeling skin and improve its condition, rather than treat the cause of the skin problem.

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