Pale face what to do

Pale face what to do

There were times when the pale skin color was considered a sign of aristocracy and belonging to a significant class. Now too bright face pours thoughts on strong fatigue or human disease. The current young ladies that do not make the skin to have a pleasant pink or peach color, and a healthy blush shone on his face.

The first thing to be done in the fight against milk-white leather is to exclude various diseases. It is necessary to pass blood on hemoglobin. His drawback may not cause strong discomfort, but be the cause of frequent fatigue and pallor. In this case, a diet with a large number of products containing iron will help.

Reduced blood pressure can also cause pallor and have different reasons. It is worth performing tests for diabetes and hormonal body failure. If at least one of the diagnoses is confirmed, the doctor will write a course of treatment and will gradually return to you health and beauty.

Not only physical, but also an emotional state affects the appearance. Unrest, experiences, depression entails a bad sleep and lack of appetite. All this certainly sooner or late will fall into bags under the eyes and painful pale color.

If all the above problems are missing, then you need to reconsider your lifestyle. The lack of recreation, vitamins, fresh air and positive emotions has not yet attached freshness and a rumant. Do not stay late before the TV or study and try not to get up before the time you need. Available with an open window - no dry air will allow you to sleep better and easier to get up.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, giving preference to red and orange colors. Beet salad or carrot juice with cream will give the skin a light pleasant shade. Wash your face with cool water or wipe the ice piece from herbal beam - it will cause blood flow to the blood vessels.

Exercise. Exercise, especially in the morning, accelerate the blood in the body and will provide you with a blooming and cheerful view until the evening. Try to spend more time in the fresh air. If possible, combine the first and second. Jogging in the park, yoga at the lake or charging on the balcony makes beautiful and face, and figure.

Alcohol and cigarettes with time will not only make the face pale, but also give him a gray shade. But a few sips of red dry wine before a date will force blood faster running on the veins. And, in addition to pink cheeks, there will be another shine in the eyes and a good mood.

In case the porcelain leather is simply your individual physical feature caused by vessels remote from the surface, makeup will come to the aid. Women have two outputs: take yourself as it is, and emphasize and beat your pallor. Or, using a tonal, powder and blush, hide natural whiteness.

You can still use tanger, which exists in the form of lotion, milk, cream, and even napkins. But for permanent use, this tool is not very suitable, since the pore clock occurs similarly to decorative cosmetics.

If the summer is not soon, but I want to become the owner of bronze leather now, you can visit the solarium. In order not to harm your health, it is advisable to stick to simple rules. Choose a salon with good lamps, sunbathing no more than 1-2 times a week, start with 3-5 minutes, during a session to protect your hair, eyes and lips and be sure to apply special cosmetics for sunburn.

Listening to the advice described above, you can find and maintain a healthy beautiful color. But nothing is as painting a girl like a feeling of love. Thoughts about the elect, embarrassment from a closer look and regular sex will make shiny any face.

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