Quickly fat hair what to do

Quickly fat hair what to do

Many women complain that their hair is fast fat. Most people have a problem with roots, because length and tips remain dry. Let's figure out what actions need to be done so that the hair stops to quickly plant.

Change shampoo. Choose a quality tool for oily hair. They are endowed with a special formula that normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. If you have the opportunity, do not use the air conditioning until they restore normal functioning. Or do not apply it on the scalp.

Do not wash your head too often. The more often you wash it, the greater the skin is produced. To normalize the fatty skin, wash your head in 2 days, then less often. The optimal option is 2 times a week, no more. Also pay attention to how you wash your head. Apply shampoo neatly, and while drying a towel gently flushing your hair, practically without touching the scalp. After washing, you must hear the creaking of your hair. If you use a hairdryer, select a special mode. Too hot air is not suitable - it helps strengthen secretion, as a result of which the glands begin to produce even more fat. Also do not wash your head with hot water.

Do not wear close hats. This does not mean that they should be dimensionless - select a model that will not pull the scalp. It should also skip oxygen well, so give preference to knitted options. Review your hairpins and combs. It is preferable to choose products from plastic or wood, since the metal has a property to enhance the seal.

Start the right to eat. Keep your diet - every day consume fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Limit the amount of fatty products. Include vegetables, fruits and fish in your menu. Additionally, take complex vitamins intended for skin, hair and nails. Pay attention to omega 3 - it contributes not only to health of the hair, but also the health of the body as a whole.


Lock the salt (preferably sea) in the roots of the hair. It is shown to all people with oily scalp. Surely you noticed that after resting at the sea, the hair becomes much stronger, healthier and more attractive. Sea salt normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, exfoliates the skinned skin layer and warns hair loss. Carry her in the roots of a wet head with massage movements (you will leave for 5-10 minutes). Then cover the head of the food film and hold for 30 minutes. Smooth shampoo. At the end, rinse the hair with cool water with apple vinegar or fresh lemon juice - the hair will spin and stay clean longer. Sea salt can be used as a preparatory stage for other masks. Do not rub it over 1-2 times a week. Permissible 6-8 procedures for a month, then take a break for 3 months.

There is a good infusion, thanks to which the hair is not fat and become silky. Take a stale black bread, pour it cold (boiled) water and leave for a few days in this form. Then strain the infusion and rinse your hair after washing.

Another means against fatty - corn starch. It quickly absorbs the skin fat and cleans her hair. Apply it on dry hair and leave for 5 minutes. Then remove with a comb and hair dryer (or only combs). Pay attention to modern means for oily hair - various sprays, dry shampoos, etc.

If the above tips did not help, contact a trichologist. The specialist examines the skin of your head and select suitable hair care products and for their treatment.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 04/12/2018 at 12:21

Thanks for the advice. I have not tried it, nothing helps. I bought myself Shampoo Horse Force with Collagen and Lanolin, so that you could often wash your head and not to overheat the scalp. And she was completed even with his fate. But now I will try your methods

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Pauline 24/01/2020 at 16:10

I have oily hair and still dandruff. Everything cured Horse Fors Fort Shampoo. Hair now has not been so fat. My head once a week

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