What to do if hair falls badly

What to do if hair falls badly

If you are concerned about the hair loss, or even worse, the appearance of baldness, do not hurry to despair and write off the problem for age or heredity. There are effective methods for restoring the former chapels.

Choosing a shampoo, give preference to those in which there are soybean oil, primrose or black currant leaves. Or purchase oil itself in the pharmacy and add to your shampoo. Good for brittle hair to make masks for the night of coconut oil, Amel and Fat Cobra oil.

Make a course of treatment with a mask of 200 g of the cast kefir, 1 eggs and 1 tbsp. Cocoa with a slide. Mix thoroughly and apply a mixture on the roots of the hair with a good layer, wait for drying, apply the second layer. Now getting a shower cap and wrap your head towel on Palsach-hour. Then rinse the hair with shampoo, rinse with a leaky strap. Repeat the procedure to achieve the desired result you need 2-3 times a week for 2 months.

Often the cause of hair loss is a polymer film on the surface of the scalp, it prevents nutrition and hair strengthening. It is easy to detect it with the help of hardware diagnostics of the tricheologist, and get rid of it will get a shank peeling of the scalp. To prepare the peeling will need 1 tbsp. small sea salt or "extra" and 1 tbsp. Your hair balm. By massaging movements, this scrub rub into the scalp for 1-2 minutes, do not overdo it! Then wash thoroughly. This procedure should not be repeated more often than 2 times a week. Instead of salts, you can use coffee, but this scrub is washed.

The strengthening effect on the hair lows is provided by the Darsonvalian apparatus. Attach the nozzle in the form of scallops, turn on and slowly spend on your head. There is a crown discharge between the tissue and the skin, which stimulates blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer.

Include in your diet of soybean, beer yeast and red grapes. These products are rich in substances - phytoeraenes, contributing to strengthening and growing healthy hair.

It is guaranteed to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time, if you pass the course of mesotherapy, and it doesn't matter what type of hair you have. The essence of the procedure is in injections containing nutritious and healing substances that strengthen hair bulbs and stimulating blood circulation for the development of healthy hair. Mesotherapy not only successfully cope with the bald and hair loss, thanks to her you get rid of dandruff, itching, sequentious tips and even from early seeds.

To prevent falling out and stimulation of healthy hair growth, complex caring for hair onions both outside and from the inside are needed. These tips helped many, we hope that you will also be satisfied with the result.

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Fevent 03/04/2015 at 17:55

i also had a scary hair after childbirth, drank a lot of vitamins, for a long time somewhere, my most favorite "Elevit". But also about folk recipes did not forget, masks, tincture rubbed, May the most beloved yeast mask. I wish everyone gorgeous hair.

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Natalia 10/18/2015 at 17:10

If the hair falls out, you need to consult a doctor, and pass tests, it can be anemia. If it is all right with iron in the body, it means that you need to establish food, eliminate stress, get enough sleep. Well, rightly selected shampoo also plays a big role. I like the series Rinfolilyl Silex, for the treatment of hair loss, and lotion from this series helped the hair to grow twice as fast.

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    Victoria 04/09/2017 at 20:37

    Thank you Natalia I can't a role because I am deaf and what a lotion?

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Anna 04/12/2018 at 12:27

For me, the most effective methods in the fight against hair loss were head massage and softening shampoo forces based on oat sals. He strengthens them and stimulates growth. Hair even began to look healthier

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Tanya 14/11/2019 at 11:01

In general, of course, it is better to go to the trichologist. But I managed to handle it without him)) I just started the Marine Collagen Evalarovsky to take, he helps the health of hair, skin and nails to maintain, well, for massages therapeutic resembling (for the head, they are useful in that they improve blood flow). That's all together and worked, no longer climb))

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Rita 24/01/2020 at 16:15

You can buy a mask of a horsepower in a pharmacy, to do with her regular masks and then hair loss will quickly stop

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