Hair quickly fatty what to do

Hair quickly fatty what to do

Bold hair is a common, serious problem of women. The main feature of this type of hair is the presence of oily shine, sticking hair and loss of volume. Often fatness accompanies the presence of dandruff. To eliminate the problem, you can use some recommendations for care and folk remedies.

Compliance with the right diet

So that the hair looks healthy and shining, it is necessary to optimize the diet. Exclude from it or use in small quantities of alcoholic beverages, various spices, coffee, smoked and fatty products. Try to use more fruits and vegetables containing vitamins B, C. Effective complex vitamins containing sulfur and iron.

Use of special cosmetics

To care for fatty hair, it is necessary to apply cosmetics designed to reduce hair fatty. Special means are suitable - shampoos and balms, lotions, gels or tonic. They will get rid of hair from fat and make them attractive. Effective cosmetics - wheat embryonic oil and essential oil from rosemary. Rosemary and wheat effectively act and solve problems of dandruff and oily hair, filling the hair with luxurious shine and power.

Washing hair parts

If the hair is fat, you should not wash your head too often, hazing glands of hair with frequent washing become the most active as possible. You can not use hot water, ideal for a little warm. It is advisable to wash your head in several stages, parts: first bangs, then the side pieces of the head, etc. It is useful to rinse the hair after washing the brazers of medicinal plants.

Grass mask

We take 1 tablespoon of herbs - chamomile, nettle, linden flowers. Pour boiling water, leave the grass is broken, covering the cap used with a lid, half an hour. After that, I focus on and add a chicken from chopped black bread. After 15 minutes, we apply a remedy for hair and wind by polyethylene. After an hour, wash off warm water.

Vitamin mask from natural products

In a capacity of 1 teaspoon, add components - lemon juice, liquid honey, freshly squeezed meal juice, pre-crushed garlic teeth. We mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mask on wet hair. Watch your head with a towel, creating this "bath effect". After 40 minutes, we wash the water.

Aloe tincture

Sut off the lower leaves of aloe, wrap in gauze and leave in the refrigerator. After 10 days crushing the leaves with the flesh, you can use blender. Pour in the prepared container 3 tablespoons of the mixture and pour 100 ml of vodka. We leave to appease for a week in a dark place. Wash through the day a tincture of aloe roots hair. In half an hour, they allocate the head.

Egg yolks instead of shampoo

Replace the constant use of shampoo with an egg. Diluted with water egg yolk will show an incredible detergent and healing effect. We mix two yolks and 100 grams of warm water, after which we add 2-3 droplets of olive oil and fresh lemon juice. We whip the mixture with a wedge and use it instead of shampoo, it is desirable to alternate with stores.

If the hair is quickly fatty, you should not despair - you need to wash your hair carefully and take advantage of special cosmetics, effectively reduce the fatty hair. They prevent increased fat production with silage glands, reducing it to work out. Effectively use folk recipes, lotions, masks and tincture for oily hair.

Comments leave a comment
Vika 26/11/2018 at 15:16.

I will try your tips. And then I am already shampoo bought Horse Force with Collagen and Lanolin, so that you can often wash your head and do not dry the scalp.

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    Rita 24/01/2020 at 0:36.

    I had oily hair with dandruff. I started wash my head shampoo Horse Fors Forte. Dandruff quickly passed and hair stopped being such fat

    To answer
Rita 24/01/2020 at 0:37

I had oily hair with dandruff. I started wash my head shampoo Horse Fors Forte. Dandruff quickly passed and hair stopped being such fat

To answer

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