How to wash oil from hair

How to wash oil from hair

Vegetable oils are one of the most useful hair care products. But their use entails a number of difficulties in cleansing hair from the bold layer. An ordinary shampoo does not always cope with this task, so it is necessary to take advantage of a special mixture for cleansing hair from oil prepared by yourself. We describe the available and proven way to quickly remove the oil using a simple recipe.

Ingredients for the mix

To prepare the composition, we will need: three tablespoons of rye flour, two egg yolks, one small lemon, two glasses of boiling water. Egg chicken egg yolk after applying on the roots of the hair perfectly attracts all unnecessary fats, and they wash out with him. Rye flour contains a lot of fiber, vitamins of youth and has strong detergents. After her, the hair becomes light and literally "scattered". Lemon quickly dries the skin of the head, thereby saving it from excess fat. Also struggles with dandruff and makes hair shiny.

Cooking the mixture

Pour flour with boiling water and give cool. You can use instead of water wilts of daisy, nettle. Separate egg yolks from proteins and slightly whipped to a homogeneous consistency. Hands give lemon juice. If the fruit is big, enough to squeeze it half. We mix all the ingredients and get a ready-made mixture.

My right and carefully

We take deep tank and pour cool water into it. Hot water will not give the desired effect, and cold blends oil perfectly. Half the mixture rubbed into the hair. If you are poorly soaked, add more water. Then we wash everything directly into the container, I do not merge anything. We do with the remaining mixture the same. After rubbing, the mixture does not need to be kept, like a mask, so as not to overheat the hair and the scalp. Instead, a rinse should be made.

Wear to cleanliness

In the resulting concentrate, we lower the hair and put them on at least five minutes. For those who do this procedure not in the first, it is possible to rinse up to ten minutes. In no case do not overcover, so as not to cut the hair due to the lemon content in the mixture. Hair must have the most appropriate and clean. Next, pour the contents and fill with clean water. We rinse your hair well. We change the water until it becomes pure after rinse, about three or four times.

Excellent result

Sorshest, comb and get what you dreamed about. We have beautiful, elastic, silky hair, and most importantly, completely clean. The effect can be maintained up to five days, and perhaps until the week.

We note at the end that it is not so difficult to wash off the oil, you just need to know the recipe and understand the process. As well as a guarantee of a successful washout - this is a competent application of oils: you should not use too much oil, it is necessary to rub in circular motions and in no case pour on the hair, the duration of the holding on the head should not be less than two hours, otherwise it will not have time to fully absorb, By forming the bold effect on the surface of the hair, thereby be bad enough.

Comments leave a comment
Irina 01/08/2015 at 12:10

Wonderful article, saving yourself in bookmarks!

Anna 26/11/2018 at 15:17

I use a bathing of oils of Horse Fors and it is easily washed away from the first time, and does not turn the hair into the icicles.

Sasha 24/01/2020 at 0:39.

Anna, I agree with you. I also have a blend of this. Treashed oil had to wash off twice. And the bathhouse of Horse Force from the first time is easily washed off and at the same time the effect of it is very cool


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