How to wash the paint from the hair kefir

How to wash the paint from the hair kefir

From an unsuccessful experiment with staining is not insured by no girl who has decided to radically change the color of the hair. But you should not despair and take hasty decisions, there is a way out of this situation, and it is much closer than it may seem. Of course, first of all in the beauty salon you will be offered a professional washout of paint, but you can do it easier. The best way to safely wash the paint is to use a simple natural remedy, such as ordinary kefir.

For the treatment of paint with hair, there will be 1-1.5 liters of kefir of any fat. It is necessary to warm the kefir to room temperature and apply it to the painted hair. The kefir mask must be abundantly distributed from the roots to the tips of the hair using combs. Such a mask should be withstanding at least an hour, while the hair is wrapped with a terry towel, having a polyethylene hat for hair. Then the mask is washed off with the usual shampoo and warm water.

The effect of the clarification is achieved due to the content in fermented acid, which helps to neutralize the chemical compounds for hair paints. This kefir mask will help to illuminate the painted hair by 0.5-1 tone for several procedures, but if this result is not enough, several secret ingredients can be added. As additional components, one of the following components is introduced as additional components to enhance the effect in a kefir mask: 100 milliliters of vegetable oil, 60 grams of soda or 50 milliliters of vodka. However, for such funds it is worth limiting the time of the procedure up to 40-50 minutes so as not to dry the already weakened hair.

In addition to the main goal - wash off an incomplete color, such masks will help soften the hair spoiled as a result of the aggressive effects of staining substances. Kefir contains a large amount of vitamins, microorganisms, fermented milk bacteria, minerals that help restore hair structure, give them glitter and strength. And in order for after the mask, there was no kefir smell, you can rinse the hair with a solution of chamomile or lemon, which will also give additional glitter hair.

Thus, you can once again make sure that the best assistant in all cases is natural cosmetics, which will always come to the aid of an emergency situation. The hair painted in an unnecessary shade will help restore kefir.

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