How to wash the black paint with hair

How to wash the black paint with hair

Women in pursuit of beauty resort to a variety of experiments. They paint the hair in different colors, but after a few weeks you dream about another hairstyle. What if you painted your hair black, and now you want to become a brownie? In this article we will tell how to wash off the black paint from the hair.

For lightening the chapelurs, you can use folk methods or special means. Honey, kefir and mayonnaise masks are most popular. For the restoration of the former color, apply warm honey or kefir on wet curls. These funds need to be kept on the head of 1-5 hours. You can use mayonnaise for the whole night. It is also distributed on wet hair and wrapped with cellophane, and on top of a towel. As part of mayonnaise there are acids that dissolve paint pigments.

Want to wash the paint and treat your hair? Take advantage of soda solution. For its preparation in a liter of warm water, dissolve 5 tablespoons of food soda and take the hair with a liquid. Take the head with a towel and go for 20-30 minutes. After this, wash the cool water.

You can remove paint with hair with herbs. Make a strong tea from chamomile flowers. Cool it to room temperature and wash your hair. This method is gentle, and will help slightly clarify the hair. You can wash off the black paint using the household soap. Use it 2-3 times a week. After washing the head with soap, be sure to balsam, since the alkali is dried with the scalp. Thus, it turns out to wash the black color to the redhead.

How to wash the black hair paint

Remember, completely rinse the paint is unlikely to succeed. For lightening on 1-2 tones, every day will have every day to apply funds to the champper. If you are not ready to wait so long, then use professional tools that apply stylists. Now in stores a wide range of washes. Their composition contains ammonia, and sometimes peroxide, so it is impossible to call them harmless. The most popular are drugs companies:

  • Esttel;
  • Brelil;
  • Hair Light.

How to wash the black hair paint

The most inexpensive washing of ESTEL. The package contains two tubes, one with a reducing agent, and the other with a catalyst. Before each procedure, you need to prepare a new solution by mixing the ingredients. Hold on the hair the mixture costs 20 minutes, wash off with the use of balm. One time may not be enough to restore the former color, so you will have to repeat the procedure several times. In this way, you can brighten the curls to red-colored. After that, paint the hair into the desired color. Remember, keep paint less than normal time or choose a lighter shade.

How to wash the black hair paint

What if the wash did not help get rid of black hair? In this case, you will have to use the clarifier. These are paints based on peroxide, which remove pigment from the hair. As a result, strands are simply discolored. Together with this, the curls become dry and lifeless, so you will have to restore the health of the chapels for several months.

Before painting the hair into black, think about several times. If you doubt whether you will suit this color, try on a wig or use a special selection program.

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